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"This is a stupid idea." Alyara told Lo'ak while they walked through the trees. Lo'ak was going out of the distance that his parents set for everyone and a dragged Alyara with him alone with Spider and his sisters. Neteyam was out with Jake and Neytiri or else he probably would've gone with them. "Jake is gonna ground you again."

"But you're not going to stop me, are you?" Lo'ak grinned, already knowing that she wouldn't.

"No, I'm not." She stopped running for a second to call out for Tuk who stayed behind. "Come on, Tuk!" The younger girl ran to Alyara and grabbed onto her hand.

"I think she likes you more than me by how much she holds your hand." Lo'ak looked down at his sister and ruffled her hair.

"She's nicer than you!" Tuk pushed Lo'ak aside to get Alyara to herself. "And she doesn't leave me out."

"It's hard to want to bring you along when you say "I'm telling. You're not supposed to go the battlefield. I'll tell mom if you don't let me come." Lo'ak made his voice more high pitched to make it like Tuk's.

Tuk simply stuck her tongue out at her brother from behind Alyara. Lo'ak noticed Alyara's eyes were looking up and he followed her gaze to find a plane stuck in vines.

"Come on." Lo'ak went to go check it out first and everyone followed.

"Are there any dead bodies up there?"  Tuk asked, curiously.

"Come check it out, come on." Lo'ak looked down at them for a second before climbing higher to look through the glass to see the inside.

"This is so cool." Alyara said when she got a better few of the stuck plane. She walked around it in amazement while her hand glided against the surface.

"What do you think it feels like to fly in one of these?" Tuk asked and jumped up to see. Lo'ak handed Alyara his bow before lifting Tuk up from under her arms and then lifted his all the way up so she got a taller angle to look from.

"Like how it feels to be on an ikran." Alyara answered.

"They're fast and fly really high." Lo'ak raised Tuk up before swinging her down and mimicked the motions of a plane for his sister. Tuk laughed and spread her arms out like she was actually flying. "Do you think I'm nice now?"


"Nicer than Alyara?"


Alyara wished she had something to capture pictures or videos like they do in the lab to capture this moment of Lo'ak and Tuk. He started running around with her in his arms and turning her body left and right which made her laugh loudly.

They even started to chase Alyara who pretended to get caught by Tuk who wrapped her small arms around the older girl's waist and pulling her back against Lo'ak who caught her before she could fall.

After a few more minutes of running around, they decided it was probably time to go. "We should be getting back soon." Lo'ak lowered Tuk back to the ground. "Where are Kiri and Spider?"

Alyara pulled the arrow back, but didn't shoot. "Over there, I think." She answered and grabbed onto a vine. She tossed Lo'ak his bow back before swinging herself over to another tree.

"I wish I could do that." Tuk watched as Alyara got a hold on the tree and then lowered herself down to the ground. "She's so cool."

"She is, isn't she?" Lo'ak also looked after Alyara before helping Tuk down. Alyara waited for the two of them to get down before they all went to find Spider and Kiri.

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