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Alyara was sitting outside their home with Jake while she waited for Lo'ak to come back. She was switching the beads and the rope that Kiri gave back to her after the fight from one hand to the other.

"What's that you got there?" Jake asked when he noticed that she was looking back and forth for any signs of Lo'ak coming back after apologizing to Ao'nung.

"Huh?" She turned her head around to Jake when she realized he asked her something.

"Neytiri told me you asked her for some beads. You got something you wanna make?" He glanced back at his wife who was sitting inside with Kiri.

"I wanted to make bracelets." She answered and stopped tossing the beads back and forth in her hands. "Tuk mentioned something about wanting one and I wanted to give Lo'ak one, and then at that point there's no reason not to make one for everyone in your family."

"Friendship bracelets?"

"Yeah. Friendship bracelets. I'm making you and Neytiri one too. Not that we're friends cause I see you two more like my parents, but not really my parents. Maybe the cool aunt and uncle. Not really that either. Just the cool people who were cool enough to raise me when I wasn't their own. Yeah, you two are very cool people."

"Thank you for calling us cool people. Makes me feel younger." Alyara smiled lightly at his statement. "But I know everyone you give that bracelet too will appreciate it."

"Really?" She looked down at her hands before looking back up to Jake.

"I know I would." He stood up and patted her on the shoulder before walking inside to where Neytiri was. Kiri walked out not so shortly after and looked down at Alyara.

"Waiting for Lo'ak?"

"Yeah." Alyara looked back to the beach and frowned when she didn't see Lo'ak, Ao'nung, or any guys from the fight. "Where did he go?"

"He'll be back." Kiri said. "Let's talk a walk, find Tuk, go for a swim." She pulled Alyara up and led her through the village to find Tuk.

"Hi." Tsireya smiled at the two of them when they walked past.

"Hi Tsireya." Alyara greeted and began placing the beads onto the rope. "Have you seen Lo'ak?"

"Not since this morning when he was with you." She answered and concern came onto her face. "Is he okay?"

"Yeah, he's just not back yet." Alyara tried to tell herself that he was going to be back soon. "What about your brother? Have you seen him?"

"Not since this morning either."

"Here's an easier one, have you seen Tuk?" Kiri asked.

"Yes actually. She wanted to go out in the water again. Come on, I'll lead you to her." Tsireya walked the other direction and the two girls followed after her.

"Kiri! Alyara!" Tuk smiled and ran up to them. "Can we go out and ride ilu? Please?" She grabbed onto both of their hands and dragged them closer to the water.

"Yeah, I'll meet you guys in the water." Tuk let go of her hand and Alyara watched them walk away with Tsireya before she turned around and walked in the other direction.

Her feet was leading the way as she walked to the cave her and Lo'ak found the other day. She found the blank spot that led to the entrance of the cave and Lo'ak had placed a rock over it so no one fell through.

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