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Alyara was walking around the village on her own to give the Sully family their alone time. Kiri was awake now and they still weren't leaving her on her own. There was always someone with her. Alyara stayed by Kiri's side often and she also gave her the bracelet she said.

Like Lo'ak had said, she loved the bracelet and asked Alyara to put in on her immediately. The Alyara kicked everyone out, Jake and Neytiri respectfully, and the two girls talked to each other until nighttime.

She was going to go back and talk with Kiri some more in the morning, but she noticed Tuk and Neytiri lingering around. So, she didn't go inside and instead let the two of them spend time with Kiri while she walked around.

Lo'ak and Neteyam were with Jake and she didn't want to drag Lo'ak away. She didn't exactly mind being on her own like this, but she did usually prefer someone's company.

"Alyara!" She turned her head at the sound of her name and smiled, ready to greet the person who called for her. Then her smile dropped when it was Ao'nung standing there.


"Where are you going?" He fell into place beside her and the two of them were now walking together. Ever since the day of the fight and Ao'nung seeing how much he made the girl cry, he's been trying to make up for it.

"Fine." She's been making him grovel as hard as he was trying to earn her forgiveness.

"How is Kiri? Roxto keeps asking." Alyara remembered when she and Lo'ak came back to the island, she noticed that Roxto looked as concerned as the Sully family did. Plus, Neteyam and Tuk told her that he kept asking if she was alright when Kiri first had the seizure.

"She is doing better." Alyara scooted over to the side a little before continuing her walk.

"Where are your bracelets?" Ao'nung gestured down to the spot where Alyara had been wearing her pouch for the past few days.

"I already gave everyone theirs." She replied. "All the Sully's have one and I also gave one to Norm and Max. And Roxto asked me for one, so I made him one and Tsireya also got one."

"What about me?" Ao'nung asked. "Do I not get one?"

"No." She was lying. There were a few extra bracelets she made and was going to give one to him, but he didn't need to know that.

"Really? My best friend and my sister has one."

"So?" She turned her head back to look at Ao'nung. He just shrugged and continued to follow her. She was about to ask him what his favorite colors were when a loud horn stopped her. "What is that?"

Ao'nung suddenly grinned and looked down at Alyara. "The tulkans are back." He announced. "Come on, I will show you!" He dove into the water and Alyara looked around at everyone else diving into the water and decided to follow him.

When Alyara caught up to him, Ao'nung had already gotten on his ilu and he waited for Alyara to get on. She hesitated for a second before getting on behind him.

Ao'nung began making his way through the water once she got on. Alyara looked around when she saw the tulkan swimming around her.

She grew excited and slapped Ao'nung's back while reaching her hand out at a passing tulkan and grazed her hand against it.

All she could think about was that she was hoping Lo'ak and the others were seeing the same sight she was because it was magnificent.

Ao'nung slowed down when he reached a certain tulkan and motioned for Alyara to get off the ilu. He led her over to the fin and placed her hands on the fin so she could hold on as the tulkan moved.

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