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Alyara was awake before Lo'ak and the first thing she noticed was they were still in each other's arms. Lo'ak's arms were around her waist while Alyara's had lowered from his neck, but she still had an arm over his waist.

Lo'ak was sleeping soundlessly and he looked more relaxed than Alyara has seen him in a while, probably since the night they found the cave. He had cuts on his body and a few bruises here and there that she was gonna look more deeply into later.

"Nice sleep?" Neteyam asked with a grin when she abruptly sat up. Kiri was next to him and she was laughing quietly behind her hand.

"Shut up." Alyara could feel the blood rushing up to her face and she slid out away from Lo'ak's hold. She could still hear Neteyam and Kiri laughing when she went outside.

"Good morning, Alyara!" Tsireya greeted when she saw the girl walking past. Alyara waved at her and decided to join Tsireya for her morning while Lo'ak was still asleep.

"Is Lo'ak alright?" Tsireya asked as they walked through the village.

"He's sleeping. Still tired from yesterday." Alyara remembered the sleeping Lo'ak she left a few minutes ago.

"I am very sorry for my brother's actions." Tsireya apologized sincerely. "He shouldn't have left Lo'ak all the way outside the reef."

"He's back now, that's all that matters." Alyara shook her head. "Besides, Lo'ak said Ao'nung seemed guilty enough when he came back."

"He better feel guilty." Tsireya sighed. "I don't know what my brother is thinking sometimes." The two girls walked around while talking until the other kids joined them, Lo'ak amongst them.

"Hey." Lo'ak rubbed his eyes, adjusting to the sunlight. "You disappeared on me."

"You were snoring too loudly." He wasn't, but she liked making him think that he was. Besides, it was either that or telling him about Neteyam and Kiri watching them in their sleep.

"I do not snore." He blinked a few times, sounding a little offended.

"And how would you know that?" Alyara dodged out of the way when Lo'ak tried to grab her. "Even if you could hear yourself in your sleep, you would be snoring too loudly to hear yourself."

"I don't snore!" He denied and chased after Alyara while she ran off. If there was one thing that Alyara took pride in the most, it was be able to run faster than Lo'ak.

"Alyara! Lo'ak!" Jake shouted when he saw two teenagers fly by him. He didn't even have to see the faces on the two of them to know it was the same two kids who chased each other ever since they learned how to walk.

"Morning Jake!" Alyara called out. "Morning Neytiri." Neytiri, on the other hand, always found it cute how the two of them chased each other.

"Come on, didn't you want to hear about my day yesterday?" Alyara paused immediately, causing Lo'ak to run into her back.

"Yes, yes I do." She turned around and looked at Lo'ak who was regaining his balance.

"I wanna tell the others at the same time so I don't have to explain it more than once." He said and looked back at their group of friends who they left behind.

"Okay, you go get them and I'll meet you wherever you are." Alyara wanted to go get the bracelets she was making. 

"Where are you going?"

"Just go." She pushed his back and started walking towards their cave. Lo'ak watched her walk away before going back to the group.

Alyara dove into the water and entered the cave through the opening. She got past the water barrier and walked over to where she left her bracelet the day before.

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