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Alyara was spending time with Tikam , the baby boy that she carried back to the village. His parents were apparently always out in the water, so he was usually just wandering around the village.

"You can't catch me." Alyara was running as slow as she could so Tikam could still have a chance to catch up to her.

Tikam was laughing and trying his best, which was a little waddle, to run to Alyara. She watched him run towards her and once she was close enough, she scooped him up in her arms and spun them around.

"You are going to be faster than me one day." She said to Tikam and tapped her finger against his nose. Tikam grinned when she did that and grabbed onto her hand with both of his.

"Come on." Alyara placed him back down on the sand, but Tikam kept jumping back up, wanting to be carried by her. "How are you going to be faster than me if I carry you everywhere?"

Alyara began walking ahead of him and Tikam was quick to follow her. She had no idea where Lo'ak was that day and found Tikam on her way to find him. So, she decided to spend her time with Tikam instead.

"Carry." Tikam raised his arms up to her while walking after her. Alyara shook her head and urged Tikam to keep walking.

"Want to go see something cool?" Alyara asked and slowly walked towards the water. Tikam nodded and he started to speed up towards her.

He didn't talk much and Alyara was used to having someone else to talk to whether it be Lo'ak, Neteyam, Tuk, Kiri, anyone. But she was pretty used to quiet.

She always used to wander around in the forest for hours on end all on her own. She would do the same on the island or swim around if Tsireya and Ao'nung didn't catch up to her before she could slip out of the village.

Splashing sounds from Tikam made Alyara look over at him. She extended her arm out to him and he grabbed onto it. She did most of the swimming and led him over to the cave she found with Lo'ak.

She didn't take him instead since that was still her and Lo'ak's spot. However, her and Lo'ak left Lo and Ara around this spot.

When she saw the two fish, she swam up to the surface enough for her to get air and to talk to Tikam. Lo and Ara swam around her and Tikam's legs and the sight of the two fish just made her wonder where Lo'ak was.

Ever since that day he was left outside the reef, she feels extremely anxious whenever she doesn't know where he is.

But, she didn't want to let her anxiousness ruin Tikam's happiness and excitement cause the baby was laughing whenever Ara or Lo swam around him.

The two of them stayed out in the water for a bit more until Alyara decided it was time to take Tikam back to his parents.

"Hey Tikam." Ao'nung appeared out of nowhere and made Alyara jump when she heard his voice. "Alyara."

"Ao'nung." Alyara greeted while Tikam waved excitedly at Ao'nung. Alyara and Ao'nung have been more friendly towards each other.

They still fought a lot, but more because they were friends now and not cause they didn't like each other. Ao'nung had to admit he cared more about Alyara than he used to and Alyara didn't hate him like she thought she did. Neither of them would admit that out loud though.

"Lo'ak is here." And Ao'nung had become her Lo'ak navigator. "His dad dragged him away."

"Jake took him?" Alyara looked forward into the village. "What happened?"

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