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The Sully family was leaving. They were leaving and Alyara had one thing in her mind. She wanted to go with them.

"I want to go with you." She said firmly in front of the entire family. Lo'ak, Neteyam, Kiri, and Tuk were sitting down while Jake and Neytiri were standing and talking to each other.

"Alyara.." Neytiri started.

"No, I want to go. If you leave, I don't have anyone else." And that was true. She would be loosing the two who raised her since she was a baby even though they didn't have to when they had four other children. Along with the four who were her best friends and she couldn't imagine going a day without them by her side.

Neytiri and Jake looked at each other and it seemed like they were having a conversation with their eyes. Alyara used that moment to look over to the kids to see their reactions.

Neteyam and Kiri looked like they were more than happy to bring her along with them, Tuk was staring back and forth between her parents and Alyara, and Lo'ak was staring at his parents.

"Alyara, are you sure?" Jake asked. "You'll be leaving the forest and our people, leaving everything behind to go with us somewhere we don't even know."

"I'm fine with that." Alyara replied straight away. Another glance exchanged between Neytiri and Jake. Alyara was hoping they could really see how desperate she was to go with them. She would beg them if she had to.

"Bring her." Tuk chirped in. "It'll be fun."

"We want her with us." Kiri added in.

"She's like another sister to me." Neteyam said sincerely. "We can't leave her."

Lo'ak shifted his gaze from his parents over to Alyara. "She's been with us for as long as I can remember. I don't know what I'll do without her." He looked back over to his parents and they knew their answer after that.

"You can come with us." Neytiri let out a small smile. Jake and Neytiri considered Alyara as another family member. They loved her as much as they loved their own kids. "Of course, you can."

She was grateful for everything she had and never complained about having too little and always shared her things if she had too much. She was loving to everyone even if she didn't know them and loved the ones she did know with her whole heart.

Alyara let out a wide smile and flung herself into Neytiri and Jake's arms. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She grinned before spinning around and facing the grinning Sully children.

"You're stuck with us." Lo'ak flicked her forehead. "I don't know if you're screwed or if this is the best decision you've made."

"I'll say it's the best decision I've made." She smiled and slapped Lo'ak's arm in return. Neteyam ruffled Alyara's hair while Kiri and Tuk were hugging onto each other her arms.

"When are we leaving?" Alyara turned her head to ask the two parents. Their smiles dropped from their face at her question and Jake was the one who answered.



Alyara was positive that she was going to fall off her ikran and land in the middle of the ocean. She was flying next to Lo'ak and Kiri while they flew further and further away from the forest.

They flew through land, water, and dealt with a storm in the middle of their flight. The view wasn't so bad when the storm was over, but she felt like her entire body was numb.

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