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Lo'ak didn't have much on his mind besides getting to Payakan and warning him in time before he could get hurt. He was aware of his siblings and friends behind him, but he had to do this.

Once he spotted the tulkan he became such good friends with in a short amount of time, Lo'ak was instantly relieved. "Brother!" He called out, but he frowned when he heard Payakan whine in pain. "What is it? What's wrong?"

Payakan turned so Lo'ak could see the device stuck in his back. "Shit!" Lo'ak cursed and jumped off the ilu and moved on top of Payakan's back. "Stay calm." He tried to pull the device out, but it was really jammed in there.

"Lo'ak!" Alyara's voice stuck out more than the others. He glanced up to look over at her, but something in the distance caught his eye. A ship.

Neteyam and Alyara were right behind him and moved on Payakan's back. Alyara wasted no time going over to Lo'ak and helping him. "Bro, come on, help me out!" He said to Neteyam. "Hurry the ship is coming, they're over there!"

Ao'nung and Tsireya were next to help, but everyone seemed to be stuck on the fact that there was a ship that could possibly see them from the short distance. "Call Jake, Lo'ak." Alyara advised, making Lo'ak take his eyes off the device and look over at her. "You have to tell him, warn him."

Before he even realized it, Lo'ak took his hands off the device and stood up to get into contact with Jake. While Lo'ak talked to Jake, the others were trying their hardest to get the device off Payakan.

"It's getting closer!" Tsireya looked over her shoulder at the ship.

"Three, two, pull!" Neteyam counted down and they all pulled and pushed but nothing was working. After a few more tries, Neteyam let go and began to start on another plan. "Ao'nung!" Neteyam threw a rope over to him and Ao'nung hurriedly tried it to the device.

"Go, go!" Ao'nung shouted once it was tied.

Lo'ak was so focused on what was happening in front of him that he nearly forgot about the ship until Alyara hit his shoulder urgently. "Lo'ak, the ship, it's coming." His head snapped up and so did everyone elses.

"Come on!" Lo'ak shouted and Neteyam was already swimming away on his ilu. Everyone else was pulling on either the rope or the device. Neteyam had reached a point where the ilu could no longer go forward since it was being held back.

Lo'ak was at the end of the line and pulling on the rope, Roxto right in front of him doing the same, Ao'nung grabbing the top of the device and pulling, Tsireya with the middle, and Alyara was pushing on the bottom of the device. Everyone using all their strength to get it out.

"It's moving!" Alyara could see a part of the device moving out of Payakan and two seconds later, it was out. Alyara still had a hold of the device while Neteyam pulled on the rope. She didn't expect him to hold his hand out for it, but she handed it to him anyway.

"Go that way!" He pointed in the opposite direction. "I'll draw them off!"

"Okay." Lo'ak reached forward a grabbed Alyara's hand while Neteyam began moving away. He pulled her back to him and continued holding onto her hand when he swam towards his ilu and got on his back.

He made sure Alyara was safely and securely behind him before telling Payakan to dive. He felt Alyara's arms around his waist and her forehead dropping onto his back. Everyone went under the water and hid under the big leaves, big enough that they were hidden if someone looked down from the surface.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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