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From that day onwards, Olivia started to painstakingly ignore Tim, much to his annoyance.

She couldn't get any student to swap seats with her so she had to share the desk with him during class but at the cafeteria, she would no longer come to his table. Instead, she was hanging out with the group of students who had approached her on the first day and tried to be friends with her. Although she knew that they were not as compatible with her as Tim had been and there were countless times she simply wanted to escape their company.

At first, Tim tried to make amends but seeing that she wouldn't listen to anything he said to her, he eventually stopped as well. So the first two weeks with Olivia getting admission in senior year had passed but by then Tim and Olivia were practically strangers and nonexistent to one another.

He had promised not to tell anyone about their discussion the last time he had visited her place so he didn't tell Steph the reason why he and Olivia suddenly acted as if the other didn't exist. Olivia didn't come to the Manor either and though she met up with Steph sometimes after school, there was a very evident barrier that separated her and Tim.

"You must have done something that pissed her off," Steph remarked, noticing that it had been two weeks yet they hadn't resolved whatever issue they had between them, "and the fact that you don't even tell me what happened makes me more convinced that you must have been at fault."

"I did nothing, Steph, and I don't want to talk about it," he replied, completing the assignment that he had to submit the next day.

"People don't start avoiding each other for no reason."

He shrugged, "in case you forgot, both of us don't function like normal people."

"Why don't you just go and talk things out with her?" She suggested, "I know you hate communication and all but sometimes it can work wonders."

"She will blow up a landmine in my face if I go there."

"But what did you do?" Steph seemed to be getting frustrated as well with not finding any solution to their argument, "I have tried asking Liv but she too deviates from the conversation each time I ask her about it. And I can see all this avoiding and ignoring each other is stressing both of you out but you're stubbornly putting up with it for literally no logical reason."

"What stress? I am fine."

She shook her head, visibly disappointed, "when are you ever fine, Tim?"

"Right now... I am fine," he insisted, "I don't know why you are so adamant about fixing things up between me and Olivia when there wasn't anything ever, to begin with. We were not friends, we never will be."

But his voice wavered at the last sentence. That day he had almost thought they could rework their friendship but then things had taken a drastic turn rather suddenly.

And the fact that he still didn't have the answer to why she abruptly reacted that way and what was it about the electrocution that ticked her off so badly made him feel more intrigued to figure things out. 

But then her words of warning would ring in his head again. She was right in saying that he shouldn't bother with things that didn't concern him. But the problem with Tim was that he had a far too inquisitive nature, and once he got intrigued by something he absolutely had to get to the bottom of the mystery.

"You know what, Tim, either you sort things out with her yourself or I will have to do this my way," Steph warned him, standing up to leave, "I have had enough of two of my close friends giving each other a rough time. So swallow your egos and talk things out because my methods though effective will not be exactly what you two want this to end up with."

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