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Somehow that week passed as well and weekend was round the corner. But Olivia told Steph and Tim that she couldn't spend that weekend with them as there were a few things she needed to sort out on her own.

Knowing that she would have a valid reason for it, they had agreed and not pressed her further.

When Olivia came home and opened her bag later to take her books out, two packets of lavender tea fell out with a note. She hadn't noticed when Tim had slipped those in her bag but she was certain that it was Tim who had put those packs and note in her bag because no one else in the class knew lavender was her favorite tea flavor.

She unfolded the note, his messy but readable writing displayed in front of her: Alternatives when you can't find someone to hug you; comfort foods or drinks. I promised to take you to buy tea but couldn't so accept this as a compensation.

A soft smile flickered upon her lips upo reading that note. That same warm feeling of comfort spread in her heart that she had felt when he had hugged her a few days ago.

She was starting to associate Tim with a lot more feelings than just that of a childhood nemesis. Lately, she had started to think of him as a close friend, a worthwhile companion, a fun way to spend the time and a person she could go to when she needed comfort.

She knew it was too fast for her liking and normally, she preferred things not to change. But with Tim, she didn't mind that change.

As she put the water on the stove to boil and opened the pack of lavender tea, she sent him a text: You can take me to that tea place tomorrow.

A while later, her phone buzzed with his reply: Done. Hope you didn't mind me putting in the lavender tea packs in your bag tho.

Her smile widened as she typed: I didn't mind. But you were lucky I didn't have some intruder repellant device installed. Your hand could have been chopped off otherwise.

The screen lit up with a text shortly after: Next time I will be careful. Also, I have to pick some books from the library tomorrow, you wanna come along?

She considered then sent him a thumbs up emoji.

She poured out the hot liquid in her cup, the relaxing scent of it calming her down and spreading through the kitchen. She sat down on the stool by the counter, slowly drinking her tea.

Though she was thinking that the more she had started to spend time with the Waynes and Tim, the lonelier she felt when she was on her own. She considered more than twice whether or not to call Tim to join her for company at the moment but then decided against it.

Just as quickly as her mind had deviated towards Tim and his family becoming good friends to her, similarly another thought flitted past her that worried her.

She was starting to get too attached to them and she was worried because she knew once she started to care for people, they would disappear from her life. Just like her parents and Denise had left her even though she didn't want them to.

At times, she felt as if she was cursed.

And she didn't want that curse to affect Tim, Steph or anyone from the Wayne family that she had almost a become a part of in such a short time.

So she put down her phone, refraining to look at Tim's contact because she felt she would end up dialing his number if she stared at it any longer. Hearing his soft voice and looking into his pretty blue eyes was something she couldn't stop thinking about, no matter how hard she tried.

People had comfort foods and drinks, while Tim was slowly becoming her comfort person.

But seeing how much she had started to depend on him for comfort and reassurance was starting to worry her. She was taught to live alone, to walk her path without anyone by her side.

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