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Tim didn't tell what happened with Olivia to anyone but the barrier that had come between them was hard not to notice.

Steph tried to figure out what had gone wrong but Tim didn't tell her anything and Olivia only said she was going to prom on her own. She knew something massive must have happened for Tim to back off but neither of them was telling her the truth.

It was the day of the prom but it seemed like Tim and Olivia wouldn't be going together after all as whatever argument they had wasn't patched up yet.

Steph couldn't understand what had happened and as Tim was very stubborn and wouldn't say a word, she was trying her luck on getting it out of Olivia instead.

"I kissed him and he freaked out, that's what happened," Olivia spoke up at last, tired of Steph nagging her for days, "can you believe that?"

"You kissed him..."

"Yes, it was just a kiss, not like I stole his phone or something from him but he panicked and pushed me away too," she huffed, evidently in a bad mood, "why would he do that...? I thought he liked me."

"Of course he likes you but he's not comfortable with anyone invading his personal space. So if you kissed him out of the blue, he might have felt uncomfortable," Steph tried to explain.

"And how do you know?"

She paused, feeling those black eyes lock on her in suspicion. So she decided to tell her the truth, "well, I dated him for some time. I know..."

"You two dated?"

"Yeah but Olivia, there's nothing between us now. We're just friends and I'm with Nico, you know that very well..." Steph was caught in a conversation she had been avoiding, "look, I'm your friend too, I'm only telling you what you should know. Tim gets uncomfortable when anyone gets too close to him be it me or you or anyone. So don't take it to heart. He didn't push you away, he just didn't feel it was the right time or the right place, that's all."

"So I'm just anyone to him... Anyone and not someone special..." Her voice was muted as if she was going through a conflict too, "but he's supposed to like me... I was told... Oh but of course..."

Steph paused, finding it weird that Olivia had started talking to herself and then suddenly stopped.

"What were you talking about just now?"

She stood up nonchalantly as if she hadn't even told Steph anything and hadn't almost lashed out either.


"Steph, would you help me get ready for prom" she turned and asked her, features free of the anger and frustration she had seen earlier, "I need to look my very best and you're the perfect person to help me with it."

"Oh... Okay..." Steph agreed but that once she too felt unnerved by the drastic change in her mood as well as her tone and expression. It was as if she had never said those things in the first place.

"Thanks a bunch, you're the best of the best friend I could ever ask for," she hugged her lightly and went to bring her dress and make-up.

But right then Steph felt the same twinge of discomfort that Tim had been feeling for days with Olivia.

She couldn't put a finger on it but that behavior change right then felt extremely unnatural to her. As if she was a machine whose settings had been reset just that instant, causing her to act differently altogether.

But then she was back with her stuff and Steph had agreed to help her get ready so she pushed those thoughts out, focusing on the task at hand.

Still, she thought she should talk to Tim and listen to his side of the story as well. Something else might have happened that had caused him to react drastically like that.

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