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Tim was dreading the coming Monday as he would from then onwards have to tolerate Olivia McArthur much more on a daily basis. But even before that dreaded day, he got to see her at the Manor as apparently she had become rather good friends with Steph and was there to go with her and shop for school supplies.

He intentionally stayed away from the Manor the entire day, spending time in the city library and waiting so that when he would finally go home, she wouldn't be around.

He was certain by then she would have met the entire family and knowing how much of a dysfunctional but highly accepting lot they were, they would all have been delighted to meet her.

Except for Damian of course and that once Tim too had a similar stance.

He didn't understand why he was just so conflicted regarding Olivia. At times, it felt like he hated her but there were times when he also got concerned for her. He couldn't sort out his feelings, to say the very least.

And then there was the whole suspicion he had about her being more than just an average human; probably an experiment her parents had initiated which involved him as well at one point.

All in all, he was confused.

And because he wasn't used to being hit with so many questions all at once without being able to solve the mystery himself, he was slowly getting frustrated. Though he was well aware that his getting frustrated ended up with him being constantly in a bad mood and consuming twice his usual dosage of coffee.

He had rejoined patrol as Bruce was now back and had taken over the mantle. But patrol as well as his increasing suspicions regarding the McArthurs was only getting him more stressed.

For the past few days, he had been going around with a thermos of coffee, refilling it whenever it got drained. It was alarming, according to Steph and Richard, but there wasn't much they could do about it.

That evening too he climbed up the stairs to the third floor where his room was located, the thermos of coffee in hand. But just as he opened the door, he got shocked to see Olivia inside.

She had spread out his books on the bed and was propped up on her elbows as she seemed busy reading. She had apparently not noticed the door opening and him standing there.

"What are you doing here?" 

His voice shook her out of the reading reverie but she didn't look up just yet, finishing the paragraph she was on while she waved lightly.

"Olivia, I'm talking to you," he called out again, slightly agitated that she hadn't replied.

"I'm waiting for Steph," she replied, looking up from the pile of books she was poring over at last, "she said I could take a look at your course books until she came back with some snacks."

"But this is my room and these are my books, you should have asked me and not Steph before inviting yourself over to examine my things," he mumbled, closing the door behind him because he knew she wasn't going to leave even if he told her to.

"Be grateful it's only the books I am examining," she retorted, "I could have had such a lot of fun with your computer setup but Steph made me promise not to touch it..." 

"Shocking that you actually listened to her."

"Even if I hate it, she's starting to grow on me. Like a parasite that I don't want to get rid of. Oh yeah... that's why she felt so familiar, she's definitely a parasite."

He rolled his eyes, "too much info. And don't call her a parasite to her face, she'll kill you."

"Nah she wouldn't. I love parasites, I am sure she'll be amused if I told her that." 

"My room is not public property though," he remarked, checking that nothing inside was damaged, "so the sooner you leave, the better. And next time, if you love spending time with Steph so much, stay in her room, not mine."

"Oh come on, why are you in such a bad mood today?" She closed the books, straightened and sat cross-legged on his bed, "I didn't even do anything yet for you to act like your life's been made a living hell."

"You exist, that in itself is enough to make my life a living hell," he mumbled.

She laughed, unfazed by his cold behavior, "ouch. But that can't be helped, buddy. I can't cease to exist just so you would be in a better mood."

"How long are you going to stay here?" He poured himself yet another cup of coffee, sitting on the chair by his computer desk, making sure that she hadn't gone through his stuff.

"Until Steph comes back."

"An eternity then... Crap," he cursed under his breath, the coffee cup emptied by then.

She watched him pour out another cup, a slight wave of pity flickering on her features, "hey, you do know that this much amount of caffeine is unhealthy?"

"I know," he shrugged nonchalantly, "I choose to die this way."

"A slow and painless death... Okay."

She had gone back to reading his books, pretending that he wasn't in the room. So he too turned to focus on his computer, ignoring her presence.

As long as she kept silent, it could be bearable. 

But then nothing could be expected to last long and especially not silence as far as Olivia was concerned.

"Are ya excited for Monday?"

He took in a deep breath, forcing himself not to lash out, "I hope I die before Monday."

"Why? And don't you dare die, okay? I have thought a lot about how to spend my high school year and it won't be the same without you."

"Don't even tell me what you've thought because I can sense it will end up terribly for me."

"You know what, I'm going to tell everyone you're my childhood best friend," she spoke up, "would be hilarious."

He paused, just then realizing something, "we weren't best friends though."

"What's wrong with a harmless little white lie?"

But Tim's mind had started working in a different direction, "just how much of our childhood do you even remember?"

"Every single thing. Why do you ask?"

"Because I don't remember much," he replied, revolving his chair around to face her, "which is rather strange considering I don't normally forget things."

"Aw, you despised me so much that you forcefully pushed me out of your memories," she laughed, "understandable."

He shook his head, "I'm being serious, Olivia. I have been meaning to ask you for a long time now. Even that day when we came to take Bruce back, I had wanted to ask you about it but didn't as you looked upset."

She raised an eyebrow skeptically, "okay... What's so urgent that's got you in a twist?"

He was about to explain what he had found out about her parents' secret base and ask about their past but the door opened and Steph stepped in, interrupting them.

"Olivia, I told you to take the books into my room," Steph remarked, knowing that Tim wouldn't want them hogging up his room, "why didn't you go there?"

She shrugged, "because this one's more comfortable."

Steph looked at Tim to judge if he was angry or troubled but found him with a rather unreadable look on his face. He was considering whether to continue asking Olivia about it with Steph there or to put it off for later.

"Come now," Steph took Olivia's hand, pulling her off the bed, "we have to go."

"But Timberly here was asking me something and it sounded important," she reasoned but when she looked back at Tim, he shook his head as if to tell her that he would ask later.

"Everything okay?" Steph asked, observing the silent interaction.

"Yeah, now get out of my room," Tim snapped, "you two have bothered me enough."

"Bye bye bestie," Olivia smiled, blowing him a kiss as she stepped out of the room at last with Steph tugging her along, "see ya on Monday."


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