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Tim was minding his own business in class when Olivia passed a folded note to him. At first, he pretended not to notice it but when the note stayed there on his side of the desk, he picked it up and unfolded it.

He found a line written in her cursive writing: I'm sorry I overreacted.

Uncapping his pen, he wrote underneath: I'm sorry I was too nosy.

He had just put the note down when she took it, eyes skimming over the words.

She scribbled again, a hint of a smile creasing her lips after days of being in a bad mood. Can I sit with you at lunchtime?

Sure, the outcast table has plenty of space.

Her smile widened a fraction: I prefer calling it the genius table.

He wrote in the very small space left by then: Don't ditch your friends though. It's not nice.

She paused as if to ask what friends but then realization flickered on her face. He was referring to the group she tolerated during lunch.

Seeing that the note was full, she placed it in her book, taking out another page. Is it bad that I'm a hypocrite?

He could relate; he knew very well she didn't like that group of students but was putting up with them just to make him jealous. Idk, my bro Jason calls me a two-faced bitch too.

She could have laughed if not for the fact that they were in class and everyone else was under the impression that they hated each other. It was just beginning to dawn upon her how much she had missed talking to him.

Before she could write anything on the note, he took it again, his pen gliding over the paper. By the way you live in the forest, one would have thought you're an environmentalist, all anti-paper wasting. Funny to see that isn't the case.

She made a light sound as if she was trying to hold back a chuckle. I'm not wasting paper, I'll frame these notes as a reminder of our second civil conversation.

Lol, when was the first?

Ofc u don't remember. Doesn't matter now tho.

A while later she passed him the note again. So you don't want me to ditch my friends for lunch and everyone here thinks we're still enemies. But I promised somebody to properly resolve things with you, still, I'm not inviting you over at my place again. At least not too soon. So you know someplace here like the Room of Requirement from HP?

He knew the teacher or anyone else would notice if they went on passing notes like this so he wrote: There's no such thing like an RoR here but I'll be in the library after lunch. Find it urself.

He let her read it then before she could write anything, he flicked the note out of her fingers and pocketed it, making a frown settle on her face.

They didn't talk to each other after that but he knew she would find him in the library later. After all, she had to take that note back from him so that she could frame it.

A very slight smile tugged up on his features but he managed to hide it.

He had missed talking to her too.


Olivia almost got lost while finding the library. Gotham High was no doubt the biggest and the most labyrinthine building she had been in and well, to be honest, she hadn't been in many buildings either. Her experience with that one alone made her worried about ever stepping foot into Wayne Manor without anyone to guide her.

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