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Steph had noticed the change in both Olivia and Tim's behavior which could mean only one thing; they had finally talked things out and were on tolerable terms again. But somehow they had the habit of keeping it very secretive so the others had to take guesses on whether they were fighting again or not.

She knew the two of them couldn't go for a single hour without annoying each other so that was still the same as ever. And they had stopped ignoring each other's presence which was probably a good thing.

So she decided to take both of them out with her that evening, hoping that it would finally help Tim bust some steam off. He had not fully relaxed ever since Bruce had gone missing and even his day-offs from patrol were spent with him tracking Bruce and being overly worried.

He needed rest but there was no way he would go to sleep willingly. So she chose the alternative, deciding to have him take a day to enjoy and not worry about all the other things that had been piling up around them.

She found him swamped in work as usual, completing his assignments from the days he had not been attending school due to the whole Bruce-Wayne-probably-died situation. His head was resting on the desk and he was asleep.

She considered whether or not to wake him up but then fetched a blanket, putting it over him so that he wouldn't get cold.

She knew he would stiffen if he slept in such a position for long but considering how long it had been since he had gone to sleep, she didn't wake him.

When she went downstairs though, she was surprised to see Olivia had come for a visit. She hadn't been coming to the Manor ever since she and Tim had argued but that once she was there.

And she was talking to Jason, another surprise since she hadn't met him before but right then it seemed as if the two had bonded quite well.

"No... That's unreal," Jason was laughing hard at something she had told him and Steph came closer to listen to what they were talking about.

"Hi Steph," Olivia waved though she was laughing too.

"What did you tell him?" Steph asked, knowing Jason only ever laughed that hard when someone made fun of Bruce. 

"I told him my honest reaction to seeing the infamous Batman bleeding out at my doorstep," she remarked but did not elaborate further so Steph turned to Jay for an explanation.

"And can you believe what she said? She literally told him to find another place to die... I like this kid," he patted her head and she shrieked, stepping back.

"Hey, no head pats. I hate those."

"Bruce patted your head once, you didn't seem to hate it," Steph remarked,

"Well... Bruce is Bruce, ya know. He can't express with words, you people can so no exceptions for you guys," she remarked.

Jason nodded as if agreeing with her but the spark in his eyes said otherwise, "noted. No head pats from now on."


But instead of a head pat, he messed up her hair nevertheless because he couldn't resist the opportunity.

"Holy mother of trees! You did not just do that, Todd. You're so dead!"

Jason winked before dashing off, "try me. I have died once you know, let's see if I can die again."

"Oh you will and you will regret it."

Steph watched her chase after Jason, knowing it was a very common occurrence when it came to Jason for all of them. he would intentionally annoy them and then they would chase him to get him back for it.

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