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"Wake up, Olivia. It's 7 am."

Vanya's automated vice reached her and she turned over in her bed, trying to block it out with a pillow.

"Reminder; first day at high school. You must reach there by eight. Routinely weather checks complete. Breakfast will be ready in ten minutes."

Hearing the reminder, Olivia sat up, checking her phone. It was Monday and she was already running late considering that it took time for her to go to the city from the forest.

"I have no time for breakfast," she got up at last, picking out the first outfit she could find in her closet, forgetting all about Steph's advice on making an impression. 

She had packed her bag the night before but just as she was about to leave, she came back, putting in the taser and pepper spray as well. She might not have landmines to back her up in high school so those two would be necessary.

"Vanya, I am locking up the entire dome as I leave. You are forbidden to let anyone in except me. If anyone shows up here and stays for too long, burn them to a crisp."


"I will be back by evening," she punched in the PIN, setting up the security systems and making sure that everything was protected, "until then, my house is in your hands. Take care of it."

"Certainly. Best of luck for today."

"Thanks, same to you."

She stepped out at last, locking the door behind her and making sure that the bio-dome was properly concealed. Then she made her way out of the forest using the same shortcut that she had used each time she had left the forest before.

When she reached the bus stop, the bus had already left so she had to wait for the next bus, knowing that she would definitely get late by then. By the time she reached high school, classes had started so she went to the principal's office first to get her timetable and schedule.

From there she was given directions to the senior year classroom and after a while, she finally reached it. She was excited, to say the least, as she knocked on the door to gain the teacher's and students' attention.

"Ah you must be the new student," the teacher, Miss Warren, smiled as she beckoned her to come in.

Olivia stepped into the classroom, curiously looking around at the many new faces belonging to students around her own age.

"This year we have a transfer student joining us, Miss Olivia McArthur. I hope you will all welcome her warmly," the teacher introduced Olivia to the class then turned to face her with a friendly smile, "I am sure you will have a lovely time with us. Now settle down everyone and we'll start with the lecture."

Olivia's dark eyes scanned the room, stopping on the only empty seat in the entire class. A smile crept upon her lips to see that it was right next to Tim.

No wonder he sat by himself all alone. Too bad, that wasn't going to be the case any longer.

"Move," she spoke up reaching the desk and he looked up at her, taking in a deep breath.

"Can't you sit anywhere else?"

She rolled her eyes as if he had asked the dumbest question ever, "do you see any empty seats?"

Begrudgingly, he removed his bag from the chair and she sat down beside him. 

"Now don't you start behaving like Edward Cullen from Twilight," she remarked, causing the people sitting close to them to snigger, "you're no vampire and even if you were, my blood won't smell that irresistible for you to pretend to choke on your own breath."

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