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The three of them reached Wayne Manor at last and had dinner with the family after which Tim reminded Olivia that she had agreed to help him with his assignments.

"But I wanted to go home," she tried to wriggle out of it at the last minute because she too was tired and did not want to get more exhausted by doing school work.

"You promised me," Tim remarked earnestly, "and I paid for your double ice creams four times instead of two. You can't ditch me now."

Steph had vanished from the scene right as Tim had brought up his assignments so that she wouldn't be roped in as well.

"But I should leave," she insisted, looking at the clock, "Vanya's alone at home."

"Who's Vanya?" Jason spoke up as he was the one least aware about Olivia, "baby sister perhaps?"

Olivia was going to agree with him just so she could get him on her side in persuading Tim to let her leave. But before that could happen, Tim had already started talking.

"Vanya is a software, no offense meant, she can take care of herself and your house very well. And you can stay over. None of us would have any issue," Tim reasoned back.

Damian raised an eyebrow, "none of us?"

Richard patted his head lightly as if to keep him calm then told Olivia, "it's no big deal. You can stay, you don't have to go to school tomorrow either as it's Sunday so there's nothing for you to worry about."

Olivia considered it and then asked Bruce who seemed somewhat even more detached at dinner than usual as if he had something on his mind. "Bruce, is it okay if I stay over here?"

He nodded in reply but the thoughtful look on his face deepened. He had not yet told her about her parents because she seemed happy spending the weekend with them but he knew he couldn't delay it for long.

"See, everything's sorted now. Bruce said yes, no one will go hunt Vanya and you are keeping your end of the bargain," Tim exclaimed, leaving his seat as well, "come now, we have a lot of work to do."

Jason bade her goodbye with a dramatic wave, watching in amusement as she unwillingly went with Tim up to his room to help complete his assignments.  

"Why do you even put so much work on pending?" She asked sitting down on his bed with half the pile he had given her, spreading out the papers to filter out the maths assignments first.

"I don't get time to manage everything," he replied, sorting out the other half on his desk, "by day I am already living a very busy civilian life then at night I have to be Robin... Well now Red Robin actually. Things are quite messy even though it might not seem like it to any onlooker."

"Why did Bruce even think of becoming Batman?" She asked, starting to solve the questions on the paper one by one.

"Long story and maybe you should ask him yourself," he replied, "anyways, he told me this morning he was working on searching where your parents are being kept."

Her ears perked up at that remark, "really?"

He hummed in reply, "yeah. Said he would go meet them and then tell you how they're doing."

Her eyes almost welled up, "that's so sweet of him. I hadn't thought he would actually do it."

He shrugged, "Bruce's a man of his word. If he said he'd do it, then he most definitely will."

"That's still very sweet of him," she spoke up, "I feel like I should do something in return for him."

He turned to check if she was working too or just chatting idly and found her methodically solving each paper.

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