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Olivia led the way as they reached the forest, using a flashlight as it was quite dark all around. Tim stayed close behind her, trying his best to memorize the way as he had to go back on his own.

After a brisk ten-minute walk, they reached the clearing where her bio-dome was concealed.

"Consider this the first and last time for you to come here. If anyone else from your costumed freak club turns up at my house again, I might have to consider moving," she mumbled, pressing a button on the small remote in her hand and shortly after the bio-dome became visible.

Tim had to admit; it was fascinating. He had yet to experiment with that kind of advanced technology but he doubted he'd ever be on good terms with Olivia for her to let him check everything out. The door opened and an automated voice greeted them, reminding Tim of how the software in the Batcave used to greet them.

"Welcome back, Olivia."

However, unlike them, Olivia replied back to the software and apparently it had been named as well, "thanks for keeping the house safe, Vanya. Where's our guest?"

"The kitchen is occupied at the moment."

"Oh yeah I forgot to give him dinner, no worries, I've brought takeout," she stated, pulling Tim in as he had been standing on the threshold awkwardly, "activate all the security systems, please. And keep the alarms on."

"Systems activated. Status normal."

Tim was looking around the place in curiosity. His mind should have been clouded by the thoughts of finding Bruce but everything in there was a distraction.

"Bruce, I brought something for ya," Olivia had gone to the kitchen where Bruce was trying to make a salad for himself, chopping the vegetables he had found, "oh just let it rest. Here."

He took the box from her with thanks but then paused, realizing that unlike earlier, someone else was there too.

Someone who was currently staring at him with large blue eyes widened in shock and a disgruntled little frown settled upon his face.


"And here comes the reunion moment... Sorry for interrupting go on," Olivia remarked, drawing back to judge both their expressions from a convenient distance, "pretend I'm not even here."

Bruce as always didn't show much but Tim looked as if he might evaporate any moment.

"So you are alive," he spoke up, the shocked stare turning into a glare.

Bruce considered how to make him understand but then his responses were still quite vague as he pondered on what to do next, "yes, I am."

"And you didn't let us know by even a single message or sign or... You know what, screw it. I'm done playing the obedient son who questions nothing and follows everything. Right now I'll be the one asking all the questions and I need honest answers," Tim's eyes sparked in a warning and Bruce was reminded once again that Jason and Tim despite being very different, shared that similar threatening edge to them whenever they got pissed.

And at that moment, Tim was royally pissed at Bruce for disappearing without a trace and being proclaimed dead.

Olivia had quietly sneaked into the kitchen, looking for the stuff she had brought on her grocery trip to the city that morning. She was certain she had bought popcorn and right then, a rather entertaining situation was playing out in front of her.

Popcorns would make it twice more entertaining.

Finding what she was looking for, she perched up on the counter, curiously watching the argument unfold.

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