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Olivia might not have liked shopping but dressing someone else up for a customized Halloween costume sure was fun. Steph had told her that they would take turns in dressing each other up and by then Tim had gone to sleep on that very sofa, oblivious to their antics.

At first, the girls had picked out dresses according to their own style but Steph claimed Olivia's taste was far too dark while Olivia claimed that Steph dressed too preppy.

Exchanging each other's outfit styles would be hilarious, they had thought. And thus they ended up with dresses in the try room selected by each other.

Steph had gone to change first and Olivia dropped down on the sofa beside Tim, frightening him into consciousness. 

"What the actual fu-" 

But before he could swear out loud, she had clamped his mouth shut, "language, Timberly, there are children present."

He pushed her hand off him, "aren't you getting way too comfortable around me?"

"Nope, you're overthinking," she replied breezily but then got serious, "now look, I woke you up because I picked out Steph's outfit and you need to tell her honestly that she looks gorgeous when she steps out."

"If she's going to wear anything you picked, I'm doubtful my honest reaction would be telling her that she looks gorgeous."

Her eyes widened in slight alarm, "she is gorgeous, what the hell are you talking about?"

"Should've filmed it because Steph is not going to believe you praised her," he remarked, stretching slightly because he was still sleepy.

She shrugged, "I will say it to her face. Try topping the compliment."

He raised an eyebrow, "you're challenging me?"

"Hell yeah."

He shook his head, "now who's swearing without caring about the children around here?"

She paused, her fingers touching her lips slightly, "oops."

"Fine, I will top the compliment, just you wait and see," he replied, straightening to see the door of the try room opening, indicating that Steph was about to come out.

And she did come out, dressed in a red velvet gown having a vampire collar paired with a witch's hat. She looked terrifyingly gorgeous and with the right makeup it could be a killer costume.

"Ooooh, you look absolutely, breathtakingly ravishing," Olivia spoke up and it caught Tim by surprise how easily she had complimented her even though she had admitted multiple times before that she was shit at human interactions, "like the sexy Mama from Ginny and Georgia."

"Really?" Steph's cheeks tinted pink, "thanks Liv, that's such a wonderful compliment coming from you."

"You watch the boring Netflix shows, leave my Grace and Frankie alone," Tim hissed at Olivia who nudged him in reply, silently telling him that it was his turn to top the compliment.

"You wanna say something too, Tim?" Steph asked, internally laughing at the expression his face had contracted in.

It was the look he made when he was sorting out multiple sentences in his head, trying to check as fast as he could which one would fit better.

"I think I misplaced my spectacles," Tim spoke up at last, mustering up his confidence, "or is it the dazzle from you that blurs everything else?"

Olivia was rendered speechless for a whole minute as she looked at him and blinked her eyes a few times. "You can give a compliment? And a flirty one?"

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