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Tim ended up staying with her the whole night and no one woke him up to go for patrol either because he too needed rest. Besides, with the whole Bat clan in Gotham, there were plenty of vigilantes to make up for his absence.

So when Olivia woke up that morning, she found themselves in the same position as last night, with his arms wrapped around her, holding her close.

He was still asleep and looked rather peaceful too, making a smile play upon her lips as she brushed his hair back from his forehead. He stirred and pulled her closer, his head nestling in her neck.

A few months back she would never have imagined that a time would come for her and Tim to get so close. But now as she looked at him, she couldn't imagine not having him in her life.

She might have never admitted it out loud but she too had fallen in love with him. And in all honesty, it was impossible not to fall for him with his pretty blue eyes, caring nature, bright smile and comforting hugs.

"Tim," she gently stroked his hair, trying to wake him up, "it's morning, we should get up now."

His sleepy eyes fluttered open at last and it seemed as if he didn't clearly see her as he blinked twice to adjust to the light, "morning already?"


It didn't seem like he wanted to wake up as he had closed his eyes and buried his head into her neck again to escape the sunlight.

"Tim, wake up, I'm hungry," she tried to get out of his grip, "also I feel like I've frozen from staying like this the whole night."

He let go of her and she sat up but saw that he had pulled the blanket on top of his head, mumbling in a low voice, "just five minutes..."

She nudged him again, "who are you and what have you done to Timberly? I can't believe you are still in bed. At this rate, you will be going for a whole month without sleep because you just wasted eight hours that you could have been working."

That did the trick and Tim sat up, eyes wide in alarm as he checked the time. "But the alarms on my phone... Why did not a single one of them ring? Oh goodness, I am so late and I slept for, what, eight hours? Eight... Fricking... Hours...?"

"Now that's the Tim I know," she smiled, kissing his cheek as she left the bed, "but seriously stop panicking or else your family will think I kicked you off the bed or something."

"I was also supposed to go on patrol..." He checked his phone and saw a text from Steph that told him not to worry about patrol as Duke and Cass had his tasks covered.

"Take your five minutes," she teased, "because I am going to freshen up first so you will have to wait."


"My room, my rules," she remarked, stepping into the bathroom before he could beat her to it.

By the time she came out, he had left, probably gone to his own room that wasn't much further from hers. Pulling up her hair into a ponytail, she picked up her phone and saw the reminder for the appointment. 

But she took in a deep breath, recalling all that Tim had said to her the previous night. Perhaps things weren't as bad as she was worried they would be. And worrying wouldn't solve anything.

So she went down for breakfast where almost everyone was present. Tim too showed up after a while, quickly grabbing a cup of coffee from Alfred as he needed it to get himself rejuvenated.

"Olivia, Tim told me he will be going with you to Doctor Winslow," Bruce spoke up, "but if you need me to be there too, let me know and I can rearrange my schedule."

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