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Olivia was kept under observation at the hospital for two days in which the neurologists made sure that there was nothing wrong with her and she was able to process everything without the chips. After that she was allowed to go home so she was brought back to Wayne Manor.

Within a few days, she had recovered and was back to being her annoying but adorable self around the Waynes. Steph and Tim were not the only ones she was close to anymore as Jason too had quickly become a close friend of hers. But Jason and Olivia together were a nightmare for the others to handle because they came up with the worst pranks and didn't hesitate to execute them all.

That night Tim had an off from patrol so he decided to go check up on what new mischief Olivia was up to. The door to her room wasn't locked as he pushed it open and stepped in.

Those days Tim and Olivia seemed to have come to a mutual agreement that as long as it was either of them, knocking doors before stepping into each other's rooms was no longer a requirement.

Almost every time it would be Olivia barging into Tim's room and hogging his bed to annoy him and that night intended to give her a taste of her own medicine.

However as he stepped in, Olivia had quickly hidden what she was doing under the blanket that she pulled up over her head, pretending to sleep.

"You're not asleep," Tim remarked, closing the door behind him and by then a little curious about what she had hidden, "what are you doing?"

"Nothing. Why don't you go out on patrol and let me rest?"

"I have an off tonight."

"Bruce sure gives you lots of offs," she snapped, pulling down the blanket a little to see him, "and if you say one more time that it's due to you being a favorite..."

He interrupted her, "well actually it's also because I help him out the most with all the paperwork and the detective work and all the tedious tasks that the others run away from. So a few privileges that I have are well earned."

"Whatever, now leave."

He spotted the ball of grey wool that had rolled down by the foot of her bed and a smile flickered on his face, realizing exactly what she was doing. "Oh, so you're knitting."

She sat up, quickly retrieving the wool ball, "nope."

"Why did you hide it from me?" He remarked as he sat down on the bed across from her, refusing to move even though she tried to kick him off. "I want to see it too."

She stared at him with that stubborn little pout on her lips but when he still didn't budge, she sighed and pulled out the scarf she had been knitting from under the blanket. "It looks horrible."

He observed the woolen piece that she had managed to knit, "not that bad if it's your first attempt."

She shook her head, "I've undid it and reknit it for I don't even remember how many times..."

It was endearing how she was so absorbed in getting the scarf right for Bruce. It made his smile widen, "but you didn't know how to knit, who are you learning from?"


Seeing that he wanted to help her out, she scooted over and made room for him to sit beside her as she searched up the videos on her phone, "look, I've watched these so many times now but I still can't seem to get it right."

"Wait... Are you trying to knit a bat into the scarf?"

She rolled her eyes, "obviously, duh. It's for Bruce, it must have a bat."

"You know the problem isn't with you not being able to get it right," he spoke up and she paused, raising an eyebrow skeptically. "Maybe you're overburdening yourself."

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