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Bruce was feeling somewhat better by then as he had rested for a while and his wounds were also not bleeding. He had stitched up a few of the deeper cuts that he could reach and all in all, it was no longer that serious a situation for him to worry a lot about.

However, the current circumstances he was stuck in were rather odd, to say the least. 

The more he observed Olivia and the way she lived there by herself, the more cautious he felt. She could be a metahuman hidden from the city for all he knew, she could be a high-profile child kept concealed there in the forest for some ulterior motives.

All he could guess by then was that her little unit had everything she could possibly need and whoever had set up that lab and the unit for her had thoroughly thought out her safety and comfort.

But the fact that she had survived for four years completely on her own and that too without any mishap struck him as strange.

Olivia watched closely as Bruce had opened up the Bat symbol, disabling the tracker inserted within. She had given him her toolbox and he was working with a screwdriver, taking the pliers next to cut off the wires.

"Are you sure this would work?" She spoke up, "shouldn't you just destroy it completely like burn it or crush it?"

He did not reply, silently resuming his task.

"Geez, that's rude," she mumbled, "and here I just fixed you up a new pair of crutches from my roof cleaner. Shouldn't have done that, an hour wasted on trying to help a rude person."

He paused, not expecting to hear that. She pointed to the corner of her lab where she had been working earlier. 

A pipe-like structure was modified to work as a pair of crutches and upon looking closely, he realized that it was indeed a roof cleaner, she had just detached the viper from one end and fixed it up with other stiff pipes to make it stable.

He had not been there for longer than two days yet the girl was surprising him more and more with every passing second.

"You are... Resourceful," he stated, though it was a big compliment coming from him, "but I won't be needing it. I will leave in a few hours."

"Like hell you would," she smiled sweetly but her dark eyes flickered in a warning, "you can't leave, Mister Batman."

"Why not?"

"Because there's already a Batman in the city and that makes me very suspicious of you now," she remarked, watching in satisfaction as surprise took over his features, "oh yeah, you haven't seen the news. Couldn't, actually."

A satisfied smile played upon her lips because she had reprogrammed Vanya by then and the software couldn't respond to his voice.

"Vanya, show our guest the news," she spoke up and the screen unfolded.

Every news channel was broadcasting the return of Batman and how the vigilantes had managed to tackle the ruckus going on in Gotham effectively. Just one look at the footage was enough for Bruce to figure out that it was Richard under the cape and cowl.

And seeing his eldest son don the Batman suit and protect the city in his absence made a warm feeling spread in his heart. Deep down, he had always thought Richard would make a much better Batman than him.

"So who's the real one, him or you?" She was looking at him suspiciously, "because if you're a fraud and hiding away in here because you attempted to be the real Batman, I will call the vigilantes on you."

"You will do nothing of that sort," his voice was low in a warning, "it shouldn't matter to you who is the real Batman out of us."

"Oh yeah but it does matter to me if you're an impostor. I will have every right to kick you out of here then," she replied back, her eyes focused on him in suspicion still, "but then I did my research and there are many articles that say Batman and Bruce Wayne could be friends. So you could be stepping in for him for a night and it just went bad... Pitiful. The exact opposite of what's known as beginner's luck, right?"

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