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The Waynes were a lot more exceptional than Nico had expected from his previous knowledge of them through news articles and interviews. No wonder Steph never got fazed by anything because she had already seen it before due to her chaotic family.

Out of them, Jason had been the most intrigued to meet Nicolas though Steph had made it her mission to keep the two away from each other. Turned out that Jason had a habit of collecting dirt on his family members and it couldn't get past him how Steph could be dating someone without him having a clue earlier.

So he wanted to know everything he could possibly think of and Steph knew his questions would be either dumb or embarrassing. So the farther Nico stayed from him, the better.

But overall, the whole family was quite nice and accepting. He had been nervous about what they would think of him but all of them had been genuinely delighted to meet him.

Except for the youngest member aka Damian Wayne but Steph said it was his thing to make it seem he was angry at the world for absolutely every reason possible.

The event had come to an end though most of the family members were still creating a ruckus in the ballroom. It had been long since they had all gathered so a chaotic mess was quite expected from them.

But Steph had brought Nico to her room and he was seeing it for the first time.

It was of a light pink and lilac color theme as those were Steph's favorite colors. She had one whole wall dedicated to her photo collages and most of those photographs were polaroids captured from her camera. Some were reels pasted on the corners to create a border and he paused by that wall, looking at it closely.

"What are you looking at?" She asked, her head resting on his shoulder as she hugged him from the back.

"Trying to get to know you better," he replied.

"By seeing what things I take pictures of?" 

"Yeah," he replied, tilting his head towards her, "you know there's an old saying that if you get to know the things someone loves to do, you get to know them better."

She raised an eyebrow playfully, "you're being philosophical today."

"Nope, just telling you what I heard," a smile played upon his lips.

"So what do you think so far?" She asked, letting go of him as she teased her hair out of the updo Olivia had styled for her.

"You're interesting," he replied, "I love the photos you have here. These show you like spending time in nature and that's a good thing."

He gently grabbed her shoulders and made her sit down on the stool in front of her cherry blossom vanity table, taking out the pins carefully himself.

It was the little things he did that made her feel even more drawn to him if that could even be possible, considering she was already quite drawn to him. Nicolas Orwell was caring and attentive, and he was the perfect dose of normal she needed to keep her grounded in the reality that wasn't part of her vigilante life.

He didn't know that she was Batgirl but she felt like if she ever had to tell him, she would trust him to keep her secret safe without a second's doubt.

"You were looking gorgeous today," he remarked, fingers gently untangling her hair, "and before you say whether I meant just today, I will add that you look beautiful every day."

She laughed, "how did you know I was going to say that?"

"Didn't I tell you, I am finally getting to know you better."

"And do you like me more the more you get to know me?" She asked, looking at him through the mirror in front of her which showed his reflection, that adorable smile denting his lips at the question.

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