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"so, I have something to show you." Heeseung said as they exited the arcade, which was by the way, no fun at all due to all the children present, and made their way to the cafe.

"What is it? I'm curious." Gyuri replied as she found and seat and opened a menu, scanning it's contents in order to find the best possible dessert she would be able to indulge in.

Heeseung pulled out his phone and put it on the table, gallery open.

The boy scrolled past selfies of him, which by the way, took away Gyuris breath. But no one had to know.

"Here it is..." He mumbled as he found the video he was looking for and clicked on it.

Gyuris eyes widened in horror. "NO STOP!"

but it was already too late.

The video displayed a girl. Or more specifically Gyuri.

"This is crazy. Heeseung, I love you!" The girl gushed as she twirled and danced around her living room in her old pyjamas, ugly bunny slippers and bed hair.

You could hear Soobin holding in his laughter in the background audio of the video.

"Choi Soobin, just wait til I get my hands on you." Gyuri threatened.

The girl, who was immensely embarassed, paused the video not even half way through. Seriously, how long was the video?

She looked up at the boy sitting Infront of her, only to find him smirking. "You love me?" Was all he said before Gyuri leapt across the table, ready to pluck out all his eyelashes as an act of revenge.

"That wasn't me. That was my twin."

What a terrible excuse.

Gyuri sat back down in her chair. "It was an in the moment type of thing. Thankyou, by the way." She expressed her gratitude.

"You're most welcome princess."

How cringey. It was not like Gyuris heart was beating any faster again. Nor was she starting to build up a sweat. Nope, not at all.

A waiter swang by the table. "Ready to order?" He asked, glimpsing at Heeseung before his eyes landed on Gyuri.

It was love at first sight. For the waiter.

"Yeah, I know what I'll get. What about you Lee?"

Heeseung wasn't paying attention, so he disregardedly nod his head.

"Great. I'll get a small matcha bingsoo. You guys have the one in the cups, right?"

The waited smiled charmingly. "Anything for you madam."

He was about to walk away with the unfinished order when Heeseung called him back.

"You forgot about my order!"


The desserts came in no time, the two happily indulged in their confections, but not before taking a photo together.

"Look here Lee!"

They posed for the camera happily with their desserts.

Gyuri went back to look at the photo and realised something. "Oh?" She showed the photo to Heeseung.

The waiter from earlier was posing in the background, giving Heeseung bunny ears and clearly making fun of him.

The boy was fuming now.

Heeseung called over the waited, Gyuri sat down and watched, curious to see what a would happen.

Heeseung showed the employee the photo. "What's this?"

The employee chuckled and looked at Gyuri. "So you have something to remember me by."

Gyuri raised her eyebrows in confusion, what did he mean by that. The guy sounded like a weirdo.

"What do you mean?"

The waited rubbed his neck casually. "I think you're cute, can I have your number?"

Gyuri was about to reply when Heeseung jumped in with a loud voice.

"Why would she want your number if she's with me?"

By now, everyone in the cafe was interested in the drama.

"Why do you care so much? Aren't you her brother?"

Heeseung and Gyuri dramatically gasped at the same time.

The girl looked at the boy, and they telepathically communicated to make a plan together.

"He's my lover." Gyuri intertwined her hand with Heeseungs.

The waited dramatically gasped and covered his mouth with his hands.

"So you guys are siblings...and you're dating?"

"NO! you imbecile" Gyuri slapped her forehead out of frustration.

"Are you promoting incest?" Heeseung almost yelled in disgust. The girl recognised that he stole her comeback from earlier and made a mental note to remind him of it.

They were having way too much fun creating drama.

"I'll be leaving a very nasty review on your website this afternoon, make sure to look out for it. And I'll be speaking to your manager. You better be careful." Heeseung warned.

"You know what babe? I'm not even hungry anymore. This person ruined my appetite. Will we still have to pay?"

The manger stepped in at this point, ushering the waiter to go away

"I'm sorry for the disturbance we caused. We'll pack this for you right away ma'am, free of any charge."

And that's how the two left the cafe, hand in hand, laughing about the events from earlier.

"I think this might just be the best day ever Lee." Gyuri gushed as they sat on the sidewalk a few metres away from the cafe in the shade.

"Likewise. Isn't it fun to be carefree?"

Maybe Heeseung had jinxed himself, because what was yet to come would not be enjoyable.

"Are my eyes decieving me? Or is that Lee Heeseung and Choi Gyuri, together."

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