Chapter 3

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~ Allison ~

"Have we met before? You look super familiar." The tall and dark brown-haired boy standing in front of me asks. "Umm no I don't think so." I reply a tad bit confused. A second of awkward silence goes by before Leah speaks. "Hey wait a minute! I've seen you somewhere before!" She exclaims pointing at the guy in front of us. "You have?" I ask raising my eyebrows in confusion. "Yeah!" She says. I look back at the boy in front of us and notice the backpack slung over his shoulder.

"Wait a second, do you play for the Marlies?" I ask him noticing the Maple Leaf logo embroidered on his bag. "Yeah, I do actually." He replies. "That's where I've seen him!" Leah exclaims. "Yep, I played in tonight's lineup." He smiles. "May I by chance know what jersey number you wear? One of your teammates shot a puck over the glass to my friend here." Leah says. I watch as the boy looks between the two of us then I catch him looking down at the puck in my hand before we lock eyes.

Oh my god... Hold up! Is he the guy who tossed the puck over the glass to me? "Oh yeah um... I'm Austin White number 24 and actually, I'm the guy who tossed the puck over to you." He says looking at me nervously. Ha! I knew it! I knew it was him! "Well, thanks for the souvenir. I'm Allison by the way... Allison Munroe but you can call me Ally." I reply shyly. "Oh and this is my best friend Leah." I add.

"Well Ally and Leah, it's nice to meet you." Austin says. "Nice to meet you too Austin." Leah says. "Well um... We better get going, I've got a busy day tomorrow." I say. "Yeah, I better get going too, I've got practice in the morning." Austin says. "Bye Austin." Leah says as she turns and starts walking. I smile at the brown-eyed boy in front of me before I turn to follow Leah. "Ally wait!" Austin says placing his hand lightly on my arm as I turn back. "Before you go, let me sign that puck for you." He says. I take the puck from my pocket and hand it to him. "Here you go." He says a couple of seconds later. "Thanks." I smile looking down to see To Ally From Austin White #24 Written on the puck. "See ya around." He says. "Yeah, see you around." I smile.


"So what did he write on the puck?" Leah asks as I put the car in park out front of her house. "Nothing, he just signed it and said see you around." I reply as Leah looks at me. "Come o Als, let me see the puck. That can't be the only thing he wrote on there." She says as I grab the puck from the pocket of my jean jacket and hand it to her. "You see, that's all he wrote." I reply. Leah spins the puck around in her hand. "Hey wait a minute!" She says. "What?" I ask as she brings the puck up closer to her and examines something.

"What's this?" She says pointing to numbers written on the side of the puck. "What's what?" I ask. "Ally, he didn't just autograph the puck that he gave you... He wrote down his number too!" She says excitedly. "There's no way!" I shout. "I watched him sign it and then hand it to me." I add. "Maybe he wrote it down when you looked away." Leah says. I take the puck back from her and look at the number. "Anyways I think it's a sign and you should call him." Leah says placing her hand on my arm. "I'm not gonna call him!" I exclaim. "Okay, don't call him. Text him instead." She smiles before reaching back into the back seat to grab her bag.

"Anyways, I better go now. Thanks for the ride home and the fun girls' night! drive safe Als and text me when you get home." Leah says opening the passenger door to get out. "Anytime Lee and I will." I reply as she's getting out. "And one more thing Als..." She says. "You better text him when you get home." She smirks before closing the car door and walking up the driveway to her house. I roll down the window as Leah grabs her house keys from her bag and unlocks the front door.

"Bye Lee, love you!" I shout out the open window. "Bye Als! Love you too bitch!" She says holding up a peace sign. I roll up the window and put the car in reverse, before switching it into drive and making my way home.

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