Chapter 41

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~ Allison ~

"Was that blood I saw on the replay?" Leah asks grimacing. "Yeah Lee, it was blood." Jack replies as I watch the trainer take a look at my boy on the bench. "Gross!" Leah exclaims. "I don't want to see that!" She adds. "Don't worry, pretty boy's gonna be alright." Alana says as I laugh at her reply and Leah's reaction. "From here it looks like it's just a small cut on the corner of his lip, he'll survive." I reply as I turn my gaze back to the game. "My boy's a tough cookie, he's alright so no need to worry sweetheart." Austin's mom says to Leah.

** Third Period **

"Hey mom, can we go home now? I'm not feeling too good." Lucy asks looking up at my mom. "What's wrong honey?" She asks her. " I have a really bad stomach ache." Lucy replies. "Okay, dad's gonna go get the car and bring it around for us okay." My mom says. " I'm gonna stay and finish watching the game. I'll catch a ride home with Als." Jack replies as my parents and Lucy get up to leave. "Bye everyone, thank you for having us and sorry we have to leave before the end of the game." My mom says as everyone says bye to them. "Bye mom, bye dad. Hope you feel better Luce." I say getting up to hug my parents and little sister. "Thanks." Lucy says when I hug her.

"Wooo!" I hear Alana exclaim as I turn and see the Marlies celebrating their second goal, making it a 2-0 game. "Was that Austin's goal?" I ask sitting back down in my seat. "Yeah, off the blocker and top shelf!" Alana replies. "Nice!" I say giving her a high five as they show the replay on the jumbotron. The team changes up their lines and meet at centre ice for the puck drop. A let's go Marlies chant gets started up as the crowd in the arena grew louder and louder. "Let's go Marlies! Wooo!" Leah shouts as we laugh. "Goal scored by number 24, his 9th of the season, Auuuustin White!" The announcer says a couple of minutes after the ref drops the puck. "Woohoo, that's my boyfriend!"I shout and smile.

** After the Game **

"It was nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. White, you too Alana. Als, I'm sorry I can't stay, I've gotta go pick James up from work." Leah says as we wait by the locker room for the boys to come out. "No worries, we'll talk later. Drive safe Lee." I reply. "Tell James I said hi!" Jack says. "Will do." Leah says walking toward the exit. "Well, we better get going too. Gotta stop in and check on grandma and grandpa." Austin's mom says looking at Alana. "Nice to see you again Allison." His dad says. "Nice to see you too." I reply. "Bye honey." His mom says hugging me before they leave.

A couple of minutes later, Austin and Alex appear from the dressing room. "Hi, my love." Austin says wrapping me in a hug and placing a kiss on my forehead."Good game bubs." I say as he lets go from the hug. "Hey man." He says to Jack as they fist bump and exchange some words. "Hey, where's Leah?" Alex asks noticing nobody else was standing with us. "She had to go pick her brother up from work." Jack replies. "Everybody else leave too?" Austin asks noticing our families were nowhere to be seen. "My sister wasn't feeling good so my parents took her home and your family went to stop in and check on your grandparents." I reply.

"Well, shall we get going ten?" Alex asks as the four of us make our way down the hall and toward the exit to the parking lot. "Jacky boy, wanna come over and play some video games?" Austin asks. "Yeah man, I'm down for that!" Jack replies. "And I'm gonna go home and have a nap!" I say as we get to the truck. "Bye Alex, catch ya later man!" Austin says opening the driver's door and hopping into the truck.

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