Chapter 38

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~ Austin ~

** At the Rink **

"One of my assistant coaches couldn't make it to the game this morning so... I was thinking that maybe you'd like to be on the bench in his place?" Ally asks as she comes over to the boards where I'm standing watching the U8 team practice. "You sure you want me on the bench with you guys?" I ask. "Of course! Usually, I'd ask my brother but he's down and out with the flu right now." She replies. "Okay so, I'm Jack's stand-in? But I'll do it just for you." I smile as she takes my hand in hers and leads me down to the dressing room. "Wait here for a minute, I'm gonna go talk to my team and then bring you in to meet my tiny Timbits." Ally says as I nod in reply.

"Alright, come on in and meet the team." Ally says a couple of minutes later, appearing from the dressing room. "Alrighty guys, here's the surprise I was telling you about! This is Austin and he's going to fill in for coach Jack on the bench today." Ally says as the little hockey players sit there on the bench and say hi to me. "Hi, guys! Who's ready to have some fun?" I ask as the kids cheer. "okay, let's get out there and play some hockey!" Ally exclaims as the kids stand up and begin to make their way to the ice, fist-bumping us on their way out of the dressing room.

"Great team win!" Ally says in the dressing room after the game. "You all played a great game and Jill... Great work in the net today kiddo!" She adds as the kids cheer again. "And what do we say to coach Austin?" She asks them. "Thank you coach Austin!" The little team of hockey players exclaims. "You're welcome and thank you for letting me be a part of your amazing hard working team! You all had a great game!" I say, going around the room and fist-bumping each individual player. "Have a great weekend team!" Ally says before I follow her and the other assistant coach out of the room.

** At Home **

"You getting ready to go love?" Ally asks grabbing a water from the fridge before picking an apple up from the fruit bowl on the island. "Yeah, I'm just gonna let Easton out before we leave." I say opening the door for the dog. "Alex and Leah are coming tonight." I say as Easton makes his way inside and I lock the back door. "Yeah, Leah told me she was coming but wasn't sure about Alex." Ally replies putting her shoes on and taking her gear out to the truck.

** At the Rink**

After I put the truck in park, Ally and I both get out and met at the back of the truck. I drop the tailgate down so that she can pull her gear out. Once she's gotten her gear out, I close the tailgate and lock the truck, walking toward the rink with Ally by my side.

When we get inside, Ally stops and checks the board to see which pad she's playing on and what room she's in. "I'll see you after the game beautiful." I say. "Alright, see you after." She replies. "Good luck and score some goals out there!" I exclaim before giving her a quick peck on the lips. "Love you." She says. "Love you too gorgeous." I reply taking her hand in mine and squeezing it tightly before letting go as she walks into the cold air of the rink.

"Hey man!" Alex exclaims coming up beside me and tapping me on the shoulder. I look up from my phone and we do our bro sake then I say hi to Leah. "You guys want to go and find a seat in the stands?" I ask as we begin to walk into the cold frigid air of the arena.

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