Chapter 43

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~ Allison ~

I look down at the puck Austin placed in my hand. Oh my god, there's no way this is real right now! I've gotta be dreaming cause there's no way Austin is down on one knee in front of me ready to propose. I read the words We met at the rink, now will you meet me at the altar and be my forever? As happy tears stream down my cheeks. When I look back at Austin, he has a small velvet box open in his hand. "So Ally, what do you say? Will you marry me?" He asks as I nod through the tears and manage to say yes between sobs. He places the ring on my finger before standing up as I place his face between both of my hands and kiss him as he picks me up off the ground.

"Woo hoo! My best friends are getting married!" I hear Leah exclaim as Austin smiles into our kiss before putting me back on my two feet. I turn in his arms and smile big when I see both my family and his coming out of the boathouse along with our best friends. "Congratulations honey! We're so excited for the two of you!" My mom says hugging me before taking my hand to have a closer look at the engagement ring. "Thanks mom." I say smiling at her before hugging my dad. "Girl, let me see that rock!" Leah says excitedly taking my hand. "Oouu Austin, you did good!" Leah says. Austin laughs and replies "Thanks."

"Alright, let's take some pictures of this beautifully engaged couple." Austin's mom says telling Austin and I to put our skates on before we go and stand in front of the big lit-up letters that spelt marry me. We took a few shots in different poses and then some photos with Easton and our families. "Alright, how bout a game of pond hockey?" Alex asks. "No thanks, I'll be watching from over there by the fire pit...Where it is warm and they have s'mores." Leah says as I laugh and she marches over to the fire pit where the moms are talking. "Alright, Lucy, Lana, dad and Mr. Munroe vs. Ally, Jack, Alex and I." Austin says grabbing his stick as my brother and Mr. White moved the last of the letters off of the ice.

** Later that Night **

"Bye guys, drive safe!" I say as Austin and I say goodbye to our best friends. "Will do! See you guys later and congrats again!" Alex replies. "I'll text you when we get home!" Leah says as Alex gets ready to put the car in drive. "Alright." I reply as they begin to drive away. Austin puts his hand around my waist and pulls me closer to him as we wave goodbye to some of our favourite people.

"Ready to go inside?" Austin asks looking down at me. "Yeah, let's go. It's cold out here and I am ready for a bath." I reply as Austin leads me inside and to the master bedroom. "I'll start running the bath for you my love." He says as I pull my hoodie over my head. "Thank you Mr. Fiance!" I say as he turns and smiles at me as I smile back, a blush creeping onto my cheeks.

After my nice warm bath, I changed into a comfy pair of sweatpants and threw on one of Austin's hoodies before throwing my hair up into a messy bun. I grabbed my phone off the night table and walked out of our room to make my way to the family room. "Hey babe, come here for a minute." Austin says as I grab a water bottle from the fridge before going into the family room. "Yeah?" I ask as he takes my hand and tells me to sit down. "I have one more surprise for you." He says. "And what could that be?" I ask as Easton lays his head on my lap.

"Well, I hope you don't have any plans tomorrow night because I'm taking you out for date night to..." He says pulling two tickets out of his pocket. I take the tickets from his hand to examine them a little closer. "No fucking way!!! We're having date night at the Leafs game?!" I exclaim jumping into Austin's lap and wrapping my arms around his neck. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I say excitedly.

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