Chapter 33

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~ Allison ~

** Saturday Afternoon**

"Which suit should I wear?" Austin asks holding up a burgundy suit with a white dress shirt and black tie in one hand and a black suit with a white dress shirt and red tie in the other. "Black suit and red tie." I reply sitting on the bed as he tosses the suit down on the bed beside me. "Good choice." He says walking over and planting a kiss on my lips. "What are you wearing to the game today?" He asks before taking off his shirt to change into his suit. "I was planning on wearing my Nylander jersey since I don't own a Marlies jersey and he used to play for them." I reply as Austin finishes buttoning up his shirt.

"Well, that can change because I actually have a present for you." He says going over to his suitcase and taking a box out from under all his clothes. "Here, open it." He smiles handing it to me and sitting on the bed across from me. I pull the loose piece of ribbon off the top of the lid before lifting the lid of the box. I push the tissue paper out of the way and pull a Marlies jersey up and out of the box. When I turn the jersey around towards Austin, I smile in awe at the back of it. The jersey had his last name and number on it. "So... Do you like it? Does it change your mind about what you'll wear to the game?" He asks. I place the box and jersey down on the bed beside me before getting up and going to give him a hug.

I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. "I absolutely love it and I'm 100% wearing it to your game tonight." I reply before giving him a kiss. "Thank you my love." I say as he holds me close. "You're welcome beautiful." He replies before I get up to let him finish getting ready to go to his team dinner before the game.

Austin and Alex had left with the team to go to dinner before the game as Leah and I got ready to go for dinner on our own. I knock on the door of her hotel room and she opens it with a smile. "Girl! You look so good!" I exclaim stepping inside the room and closing the door behind me. Leah was wearing black leather pants, a white V-neck Leafs shirt and a blue and white checkered plaid jacket to complete her outfit. "Me? Look at you gorgeous!" She exclaims. "That jersey and ripped jeans look makes you look hot!" Leah says. "Wait a minute..." Leah says taking notice of my jersey."Did you buy an Austin White Marlies jersey?" She asks. "Actually no I didn't. I was helping Austin pick out his suit for tonight's game and then he asked me what I was going to wear. So I told him, then he said that it could change because he had a present for me. Then he handed me a box, I opened it and this was what was inside the box." I reply doing a twirl to show off my new jersey.

"Aww, that's cute!" Leah exclaims grabbing her purse, phone and room key before we both made our way to the elevators to go down to the lobby and out to the streets of Montreal to find the restaurant we had made dinner reservations at. "Here it is." I say about five minutes later once we found the restaurant. I open the door and let Leah go in first. "Apres vous." I say. "Ah mercy!" She replies as we laugh.

When we get inside, we walk up to the host counter. "Hi there, we have a reservation for two under Allison Munroe." I say as the host looks at the reservation book. "Ah yes, right this way please." The host says as we follow her to our table that is in the bar area of the restaurant. "Thank you." Leah and I say in unison once we're at our table.

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