Chapter 46

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~ Austin ~

** One Year Later **

Today has been beyond amazing. I got to marry my beautiful Ally girl and celebrate our love surrounded by all of our friends, family and teammates. Now everyone is having a great time letting it loose out on the dance floor. "Woohoo! Go, Jack, go Jack!" Ally cheers as Jack and Alex are in a full-blown dance battle as we laugh and smile watching them.

A slow song begins to play as our guests clear off the dance floor. "This is our song." I whisper softly in Ally's ear, guiding her to the centre of the dance floor. "One of our songs." She looks up and smiles. "We already had our first dance as Mr. and Mrs. White, remember?" She adds. "I know we did but whenever one of our songs comes on, it'll always be like our first dance to me." I reply holding her close to me as she rests her head on my chest and we sway back and forth to the music.

Once the song has ended, I hold Ally's hand as we make our way to the microphone stand. "Ummm hi everyone!" I begin to say as the chatter in the room begins to die down. "We hope that everyone is having a good time and we just wanted to take a minute to thank you all for joining us today to celebrate our love story." I continue as applause begins to fill the room. "We hope that you will be able to join us for a skate at the rink where our love story began. We will be having a midnight skate with music and drinks available and we would be happy to have you all there with us." Ally says. "Thank you." She adds before we walk away from the mic.

We stayed at the venue until 11:15 pm before getting ready to go to the rink just a couple blocks down the street. We take the limo to the arena. "You're not gonna skate in that beautiful wedding dress are you?" I ask. "No, there's no way I'm gonna ruin it doing that!" She replies. "I got Leah and Alex to drop us off a change of clothes at the rink yesterday." She adds.

** At the Rink**

I lead Ally to the team dressing room, when we walk in, the photographer is there waiting for us to capture more special moments of our very special day. When I look over to my locker stall, I see two Marlies jerseys hanging next to each other. One white one and one blue one. When I take a closer look, the blue one says Mr. White on it with the number 20 and the white one says Mrs. White with the number 24 on the back.

"You like them?" Ally asks snapping me from my thoughts. "Yeah, they look great my love! Yours is my favourite out of the two." I say holding her close. "Why 'cause it has your actual jersey number on it?" She says knowing exactly what I was thinking as I smile down at her. "These are what we're changing into for the skate and I didn't know if you wanted to wear your dress pants or not so I threw a pair of jeans in there for you." She smiles. "How'd I get so lucky to have you as my beautiful wife?" I smile as we sit down on the bench.

** On the Ice **

"Oh my god! Those matching jerseys are so freaking cute!!" Leah says holding onto Alex's arm as he holds her steady on the ice. "Can't lie there, Lee. It was all my wife's work, I had nothing to do with it." I smile as Ally's cheeks tinge to blush pink. "Thanks Lee." She smiles. "And thank you both so much for all your hard work making our special day possible and being a big part of it too." She adds before hugging Leah and Alex. "You're both so very welcome and we were so honoured to be maid of honour and best man. It was our pleasure." Leah replies. "Wow, thanks for speaking for the both of us babe." Alex says sarcastically. "But for real, what she said is true." He adds.

After a couple of hours of skating, many people had gone home leaving Ally, Alex, Leah, myself and our immediate family members the only ones left in the building as they watched us do one last lap around the ice as the photographer captures he last couple moments of our special day.

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