Chapter 39

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~ Allison ~

"Please welcome to the ice, number 34 Allison Munroe!" The announcer exclaims as he introduces tonight's starting lineup for the game. After he finished announcing the teams, music was booming through the arena as both teams got into place for the puck drop. "Let's go Aeros!" Leah shouts as the puck drops and my team wins the face-off. The puck gets played back to the right defender who passes it across to me. "Let's go 34!" I hear Austin shout as I skate the puck up centre ice before passing it along to the winger.

The winger carries the puck up into the other team's zone and plays it back to defence where we have been left wide open. I pass it to my defence partner and she passes it back to me. "Take a shot Ally!" I hear Alex shout as I step in a couple of strides before taking a shot. It rips through the screen of players in front of the net and slides through the goalie's pads as the ref blows the whistle and signals that it's a goal. I celebrate with my teammates on the ice as the fans clap and cheer, celebrating in the stands. "That's my girl!" I hear Austin exclaim as Leah cheers. I just scored the opening goal of the game!

** Third Period **

The game was tied 3-3 with three minutes left in the game. I was in the penalty box for a slashing penalty and my team was battling hard to kill the penalty. The goalie from the opposing team bangs her stick against the ice, warning the players on the ice to watch out cause my penalty is done in five seconds. I open the door and skate out onto the ice as the puck gets passed up to me and I'm on a breakaway. "Come on Als." I whispered under my breath. "Go, go, go, go, go!" Leah exclaims. I watch the goalie and wind up to take a wicked shot on the net. It rolls off the goalie's stick and deflects off her blocker before flipping up and into the net. "YEAH!" I burst out in cheer before I skate over to celebrate the game-winning goal with my team.

** After the Game**

"Hey, there's my superstar bestie!" Leah says as I make my way over to them with a smile on my face. I hold my arm out and Austin brings me to his side as I lean in and he places a kiss on the top of my head. "Hey, guys!" I smile. "Hey Ally, great game!" Alex says as I give him a fist bump."Thanks!" I reply. "Good game beautiful." Austin says and I thank him too. "What happened with that penalty Als?" Leah asks. "Oh, you know... Just doing my job protecting my goalie." I reply. "Sure ya were you goon!" Alex laughs. "Good game today Ally!" One of my teammates says walking by before I can make a comeback reply to Alex. "Thanks, you too Julia!" I say to her.

"Alright, shall we get out of here?" Austin asks as we begin to make our way to the exit. "Yeah, let's go home." I reply. "We'll see you guys later." Leah says as she hugs me. "Thanks for coming!" I reply. "Drive safe." Austin says as we step out into the snowy atmosphere. "You guys too!" Alex says before we part ways in the parking lot. "Pizza and a movie?" Austin asks as we get to the truck. "Oouu yes please!" I exclaim as I put my gear in the back of the truck. Austin puts the tailgate up and then looks over at me. "Alright, let's go then." He smiles before kissing me. As I turn to make my way over to the passenger's side, Austin takes the chance and smacks my ass.

I turn and give him a frown as he looks at me with a smirk on his face. "Sorry, couldn't resist." He says. "Mhmm." Is all I say before he makes his way to his side of the truck. When he's not looking, I take some snow off the truck and form a snowball. "Hey Austin?" I say as his head pops up at the front of the truck. "Yeah?" He asks. I lift my arm up and throw the snowball and it nails him straight in the face. I laugh so hard before I get into the truck as he wipes the snow from his face before he hops into the driver's seat. "Sorry, I couldn't resist!" I reply mocking him from a couple of minutes ago.

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