Chapter 26

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~ Austin ~

I made us a couple of protein smoothies and had just finished cleaning up when Ally came back down the stairs. "Here you are beautiful." I say handing her a glass. "Thanks handsome." She replies with a smile, taking the glass from my hand before bringing it up to her lips for a sip. "Come on, let's go down to the dock." I say opening the patio door for her before following her down to the water. "It's so quiet out here." She says quietly. "It's nice." I reply as I sit next to her. "The sun should be coming up in just a couple of minutes." I say placing my arm around her as she leans into me. "You cold?" I ask. "Just a little chilly but I'm fine." She replies. A couple of minutes later, the sun begins to rise and we watch it together in a comfortable silence as the colours in the sky change from purple to red and orange.

"Wow, it's so beautiful." Ally whispers under her breath as I look down at her wondering how I got lucky enough to call her my girlfriend.

** A Couple Days Later **

Ally and I decided that we should meet up with Leah and Alex for drinks so that we can get both of their reactions at the same time when we tell them together, at the same time that we're dating.

"Hey Austin, have you seen my phone?" Ally asks coming out from the bathroom while putting an earring in. She begins to look around her room and comes over to her bed. "Found it." I reply lifting the pillow that was sitting next to me. "Thanks." She replies placing it in her back pocket. "Ready to go?" I ask as she slips into a pair of shoes. "Yeah are you?" She replies. "Yes ma'am." I say as she grabs her small purse from the end of the bed before we make our way to the stairs.

"See you guys later!" Ally shouts while opening the front door. "No you won't! Dad and I are leaving for my tournament in Ottawa in about an hour and mom's gone with Luce to her tournament in Orillia." Jack says appearing from the basement. "Oh, that's right! I forgot you both had tournaments this weekend!" Ally replies. "Kick ass this weekend Jackie boy!" I say to him. "Good luck Jackie!" Ally says. "Thanks guys." He replies before I close the front door behind me.

Ally told her family that we were dating the day I drove her home from the cabin and they were excited and happy to hear. But between you and I, Jack was the most excited since now he has another guy to hang out with when I come over.

** At the Restaurant **

"Hi, table for four please." Ally says to the host as we arrive inside the restaurant. "Right this way please." The host says grabbing menus before guiding us through the restaurant to a booth near the back. "Here we are." She says placing the menus and cutlery down on the table as Ally and I slide into the booth. "Thank you." I smile as the host finishes up and makes her way back to the front of the building.

"Leah just texted me, She's on her way here." Ally says texting Leah back. I pull my phone out of my pocket to see if Alex had texted me. "Hey guys!" I look up and see my best friend standing at the end of the table. "Hey man! Have a seat!" I reply as he plants himself down in the empty seat next to me. "So what's new?" Alex asks making small talk. "Nothing much!" Ally replies. I have a feeling that Alex already knows bout Ally and me since I told him about the surprise I had for her after our game the other night. I really want to tell him now but if I do, I'll blow the surprise that we wanted to share with him and Leah at the same time.

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