Chapter fourteen ~ Avoidance

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Friday, 8:31am.
Location, Austin Tx.
Julie and Schlatts home ~ Kitchen.


Julie and Schlatt planned on going shopping together today.
But, with the fact that Julie was secretly trying to push Schlatt away, she needed to figure out a way to go alone.

"Mornin' " Schlatt spoke tiredly as he walked into the kitchen.

"Oh, morning! I think i'm gonna head out to go shopping soon." Julie said as she continued to write her shopping list, with her back facing Schlatt.

"Oh? I thought we were going together?" Schlatt furrowed his brows as he asked her.

Julie turned around from the list to face him, she clicked her pen a couple of times then opened her mouth to speak, "Actually, I've been meaning to talk to you about that." She paused for a moment, "Could I go alone? I kind of need some alone time since i've been around family and people so much. Is that okay?"

"Is that okay? Of course. I totally understand, Jules. I'll text you what I need from the store?"

"Perfect. And, I just finished the list. So, goodbyee." She said as she waved and left out the front door.

"Hm, she's being weird." Schlatt said as he went to make a bowl of cereal, only to realize their is no milk, or cereal. "Perfect!"


Julie waltzed around the store, gazing at all of the different items while trying to waste time.
She had already got everything she needed. But, she was not ready to go home and continue to be around Schlatt.

As Julie was strolling through the cooking section for the third time, her phone rang.

"Hello?" She spoke after she answered the phone and brought it to her ear.

"Hey," Schlatt said, "You've been gone for a while. Just checking to make sure you're good and stuff."

"Yeah. Traffic was all!" Julie responded. Schlatt merely existing and being nice to her was making her fall even harder, god were her standards low, human decency is what gets her going..? Yikes.

"Okay, cool. Just checking. Drive safe!" Schlatt said.

"Yeah! Bye." Julie hung up the phone.

How in the world was she going to get over him?


Julie was now sat on the couch watching television.
It was about 7 o'clock and she had been home for a while.
Thankfully, Schlatt had been working in his office for a while so it gave Julie a chance to be out of her room and avoid Schlatt at the same time.

"Whatcha watching?" Schlatt asked as he entered the living room, walking to the couch and sitting down.

"Oh, fear street. But I was just about to go shower and stuff so i'm about to turn it off, unless you wanna watch it." Julie said, frantically trying to makeup a dumb reason as to why she needs to go anywhere but around him.

"What? Come on, I feel like i've barely seen you the past few days. Finish the movie with me, please?" Schlatt asked her.

"Uhh," Julie tried to think of a new excuse, "But, I really want to shower. I'm not feeling too great and i'm hoping a shower or bath might help."

Schlatt sighed, "Okay! Well, just let me know if you need anything." He spoke with a smile, hiding the slight disappointment that he was feeling.
I mean, Julie was one of his best friends and hasn't been wanting to hangout with him.
He's wondering if maybe he did something wrong or something? He just doesn't understand.

Julie just smiled back. Then got up and left to her room.
Schlatts eyes followed her until she was out of his sight.

Julie ran her bath, adding some salts and bubbles along with it.
She tied her hair up and got undressed, stepping into the hot bath.

Julie prayed that the bath water would be so hot that maybe it could just simply evaporate her feelings about Schlatt.
But Alas, that is very obviously not how things work.
After a moment of sitting there in the bath, Julie naturally got bored.
She reached over to grab her phone from a towel she had set it on and proceeded to open up a dating app.
Julie figured that maybe getting a date could help get her mind off Schlatt, at least long enough to make her feelings magically disappear.
Julie swiped and swiped, scrolled and scrolled.
Until, she finally met a guy who was cute, seemed nice and had things in common with her.
They texted the whole time Julie took her bath, and as she got dressed and did skin care, and also for a while after.
Julie had a great time talking to him, so things were really looking up for her.
After so long of talking, the man worked up the couarge to ask her out.
Since she was desperate to find a date, of course she said yes.
And, who knows? Maybe this could actually be something worth while.

"Ohhh Schlaaaattt!!" Julie said in a sing-song voice as she came out of her room.

"What's up, Jules?" Schlatt asked as he closed the fridge and turned his attention to her.

"I matched with a dude on a dating app and we have so much in common! He's super nice andddd he's cute! Oh, and he asked me out to dinner on sunday!" She said excitedly.

Schlatts face dropped ever so slightly, not enough for Julie to notice, not even enough for Schlatt to notice.

"Oh- and before you say something negative about him, i'm not telling you anything except his name is Todd. That's all the info you get!"

Schlatt fake smiled, "I'm happy for you. That's great!"

Julie's brows furrowed and she questioned Schlatt, "What? Nothing mean to say? No complaints or anything?"

"No. I mean, you didn't want me to be negative. And, you seem happy. So, I won't be negative." He smiled at his friend.

"Oh, Okay. Thank you, Schlatt. I appreciate it." She smiled back at him.

Julie then turned on her heel and walked to her room.
Once she reached her bed she belly flopped onto it and screamed into her pillow.

Why was she screaming? Yeah, she didn't know  either.
Just, too many emotions about too many different things.

1072 words 🤎

i didn't proofread and it's 1am so this can't be good.
anywho, yurrr new chapter.
sorry it took so long i didn't mean to die!

i was busy celebrating bday and also been super busy with like living idk

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