Chapter six ~ Rental

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Monday, 1:10pm.
Location, New york.
Julie's moms house.

Julie was currently sitting at the table and Schlatt was standing behind her looking for a rental car facility together, because they desperately needed their own car to drive, asking your mom to take you and your "boyfriend" places at the ripe age of 22 isn't something Julie really wanted to do.

"Ooo! i like that one" She said and pointed to a random car because she was tired of looking.

"Hmm, yeah but this place overcharges, find a different place." He said, leaning against the back of the chair she was sitting on, his chin hovering over her head, but not quite resting in it.

"Ughhhhhh, you're so picky Schlattttt." She groaned and rolled her eyes.

"You two bicker just like me and your father did back when we were in highschool." Julie's mother said with a pleasant smile as she scrubbed dishes

Schlatt smiled at the comment and set his hands softly on Julie's shoulders and leaned in a bit to see the screen better.

"That place is good," He said.

"This one?" She asked.

Schlatt looked to her face which was right next to his "No Julie, the other one."

She smiled then turned to look at him as well, face inches apart, but she quickly broke it off and looked back at the screen, Schlatt looking back to it as well.

"This car seems good?" She said in more of a question then a statement

"Yeah, i like that one" He agreed with her and took his hands off of her shoulders

"Hey mommmmm."

"Yes dear?"

"Could you give us a ride to this rental car place? it's only fifteen minutes away."

"Of course, but we better leave soon, i gotta get Alison and the twins from school in a bit."


"Thank you, sir" Schlatt said the man behind the counter after he handed him his card back.

"So you pay for half the time we're here and i pay for the other half?"

"Oh i just paid to have it for the full week and a half"

"Well let me paypal you my half, how much was it?"


"Schlatt! why not?"

"Because i'm your boyfriend?! remember, i can not let you pay for a single thing" Schlatt said sarcastically and Julie fake gagged.

"Okay, whatever. I'm paying for like, everything else from now on though."

The two got into their new rental car and began their short drive back to her mothers house.

"Since i paid for the car i'm driving it everywhere we go," He said.

"Fine by me, that means you can drive us at seven in the morning to take Alison to school."

"Excuse me?" He said looking to her but quickly putting his attention back to the road, driving with his right hand and left hand sitting by his side

"You heard me," Julie said in a sarcastic tone, "Alison walks fifteen minutes to school which is unsafe and sucks so i wanna take her to school while we're here, can you pleaseee go with us?"

Schlatt thought for a minute then shrugged "yeah i guess so"

"Woohoo! thank you!!" Julie said enthusiastically and Schlatt earned a toothy smile from the girl, which made him smile, for some reason.


The twins were laid down for their after school nap so the rest of the family decided to take advantage of that and watch a move together.
On the couch was Julie's parents who were sitting by each other, and next to them was Alison.
Schlatt and Julie were sitting on the love seat together hand in hand, ya know, trying to sell the fake dating thing, of course Julie had to initiate the hand holding since Schlatt had a secret fear of stepping over any boundaries, well he thought it was a secret, but Julie could tell.

It was only their first full day pretending to be dating so literally as far as romantic went with them two was holding hands and that was all, which wasn't too romantic, anyhow.
Julie was hoping things would get less awkward and they would warm up too the whole situation a little bit.

Schlatt leaned down to Julie's ear and cover the side of his mouth, whispering "Your hand is sweaty,"
Julie quickly picked up a piece of popcorn and threw it at him, which just made Schlatt smile.
And Julie's dad was watching the interaction, just simply in awe of the two, he hated seeing his little girl grow up, but he always was hoping if she did end up with someone, that it'd be Schlatt.
He puts on a persona of being an asshole, which he is, but still deep down he cares a lot for Julie and her father knows that, and he knows Schlatt is great for her.
Julie caught her father staring and he quickly looked away and turned his attention back to the tv screen, Julie just quietly chuckled for a moment to herself.

The movie was about 15 minutes away from finishing when a sleepy tobi came from the room he shared with his sister.
He had a spider-man blanket wrapped around him and he rubbed his eyes, sleepily walking over to Schlatt and Julie and climbing into Julie's lap

"Uncle Schlatt, what are we watching?" Tobi asked him in a quiet voice as he rubbed his eyes.

"A superhero movie, wanna watch it with us?" Schlatt responded to Tobi in a quiet voice.
Tobi nodded with a little smile on his face.

Julie about melted into a puddle right there over not only the fact that Tobi called him uncle Schlatt, even if him being an uncle to them didn't necessarily make sense, it was still cute.
Also the fact that Schlatt spoke so sweetly to him, Julie just watched the two.
The rest of the movie Julie couldn't even pay attention because Schlatt and Tobi were whisper-talking up a storm about superhero's and stuff, and she really just thought it was the cutest thing in the world.

Julie entered the bedroom that she was currently sharing with her "boyfriend" and softly closed the door.

"So you and Tobi get along quite we'll hm?" She asked him and he looked up from his phone with a smile.

Schlatt shrugged "I guess so."

Julie just rolled her eyes and hopped onto the bed, getting under the covers and snuggling up to the cold feeling comforter

"Want the light off?" Schlatt asked her,

"Yes please." She nodded in response.

Schlatt got off the bed and turned the light off, getting right back onto the bed afterwards.

A good ten minutes had went by, Schlatt set his phone down and laid down as well, the two laid in more comfortable positions, actually laying on the bed rather than the edge, and they laid on their back as well faced away from each other, but did not sleep facing each other.

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didn't proofread sorry not sorry

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