Chapter fifteen ~ Confrontation

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Monday, 12:06pm.
Location, Austin Tx.
Julie and Schlatts home ~ Julie's bedroom.


It was noon, and Julie still had not left her room.

She was pretty successful with the whole avoiding Schlatt thing.. So far.
I mean, she barely saw him all weekend. But, It seems like maybe he's starting to catch onto her avoidance.

Julie was lost in thought.. thinking about what exactly? She wasn't sure either.
Well, she was trying to think about anything.
Anything other than Schlatt.

Not-so-long later, there was a knock at her door.

Julie shot up from laying down to sitting up. Fixing her hair and sitting criss cross.

"Come in." Julie spoke loudly enough for Schlatt to hear.
He opened the door and came entered the room.

"Hey, Jules. I was thinking about going to Korean Barbecue for dinner. You wanna come?" Schlatt asked Julie.

"Uhhhm. I have some stuff to get done.. So I think I'll just stay home."

Schlatt sighed at Julie's response and paused for a moment. He looked like he was gathering all of the words that were scattered in his brain.

"Jules, do you think I haven't been able to notice that you've been distant from me? I mean, you've barely spoke to me since we've got home. Just please spend some time with me, unless I did something wrong?"

Great. Confrontation, one of Julie's least favorite things.

Now, Julie felt like shit at this point. It's not like she wanted to not spend time with Schlatt. She just... couldn't.

"I'm sorry." Is all Julie replied with.

Schlatts look softened and he seemed to feel guilty.
He rubbed the back of his i neck and spoke, "Look- I didn't mean to seem upset with you or anything, I'm not. I'm just, worried. You don't need to be sorry."

"I'll go to dinner with you. We can talk about it there. Is that alright?"

"Mhm. We will head out around like, six?"

"Yeah. Sounds good, Schlatt."


The two roommates took a seat at the Korean BBQ restaurant and ordered their drinks.

"I've never been here before." Julie said.

"Really? I can't believe I haven't brought you. The food here is so good." He smiled as he sipped on the drink he was just served.

The two chuckled nervously and looked around the restaurant. Suddenly, the floor and blank walls were very intriguing to the two!

Usually, things were never awkward with them. One of them always had something to say or a joke to make.

But, in this case. They both have something to say. They just aren't ready to.

"So, um. About earlier-" Julie started but, Schlatt politely cut her off.

"Julie- If you don't wanna talk about it, it's okay. Whatever it is i'm sure there's a good reason for it." He smiled reassuringly. But, Julie didn't smile back.

"Look, Schlatt. I just.. I don't know." Julie shook her head and looked away.
"I, Um. I haven't been avoiding you on purpose. I have just been so confused with what I am even doing with my life. I've just been so caught up with myself I guess, and- ..I don't know, I don't really have a reason on why i've been avoiding you.. I'm sorry."

Julie said, lying right through her teeth.
Well, half lying.
Truly and honestly, Julie had no fucking clue what she was doing anymore. So, that was true.
But, the part about her not having a reason for avoiding Schlatt, well there was a reason for that.
Which of course, is that fact that she likes him. Really, really likes him.
But, avoiding it.. obviously isn't working!
Hopefully the feelings fade with time.

Schlatt had a look of slight worry but also relief that Julie wasn't upset with him.
After a moment of thinking, he responded with, "I wish you would've just talked to me, Julie. I would've helped you. But, anyway- It's okay. I'm not upset, I was just worried that something was wrong with us. But, I'm glad we're good."

At least they're good.



vshort chapter also i did not proof read

very tired and tired of this book because dear god is it cringe.

i should've made schlatt meaner

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