Chapter eleven ~ Delayed

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Sunday, 5:15am.
Location, New york.
Julie's moms house ~ bedroom.

Julie slapped her hand around the bed looking for her phone.
Soon enough, she ended up hitting Schlatt which he responded with a, 'huh- what the fuck?'

Julie giggled to herself for a moment, "Sorry!"

"What was that for? I'm sleeping here," He said in a groggy voice.

"I was looking for my phone," She paused for a moment and then sat up, moving the covers around looking for it "Have you seen it, Schlatt?"

"Oh, yeah." Schlatt reached to his side of the bed where he had plugged her phone in, and handed it to her, "You fell asleep on it so I plugged it in for you."

Julie took the phone and smiled "Thanks,"

"Mhm," He responded, "Oh shit, we gotta get up and ready for the flight today, right?"

"Yea- wait." Julie paused as she read an email in her head from the airport.

"Hm?" He asked her, sitting up and looking to her phone, "Ohhhhh."

"Flights delayed for... a couple of days?!?!?" She sighed, honestly Julie was kind of ready to get back home.

Schlatt on the other hand, was not ready.
He knew that once they got back that things would go back to normal and he couldn't, well, ya know.. Pretend to be her boyfriend anymore.
But, Julie was enjoying what was going on with her and Schlatt and she definitely did not want it to end, but she was trying to push those feelings aside because she knew they weren't natural and she probably just feels this certain way about him because they've been together so much this past week.

"Welp, bummer. I'm going back to bed," Schlatt said as he turned to face the wall and pulled the comforter up to his shoulder.

"Mmmkay, I'm gonna go downstairs." Julie said and hopped out of the bed to go waste time.


Julie wasn't sure why things just suddenly felt so different between her and Schlatt.
She knew something was off, but she really could not put a finger on what it was.
Obviously they were acting different around each other, but that's just because they are playing pretend.
But, that just makes Julie wonder..
Why do they still play "pretend" even when no one is around?

Julie desperately wanted to get her mind off of this, so she decided to go for an early morning run.

She threw on shorts, a t-shirt and some random of tennis shoes.
She started off with a light jog and music absolutely blasting at full volume in her ears.
As she jogged she started to increase her speed until she was running.

Back at Julies moms, Schlatt woke up for the second time today.
What woke him up? Glad you asked!
It was Alison knocking at the door.

Schlatt slowly sat up, trying to look like he had been awake,
"Come in."

Alison opened the door and saw Schlatt looking beyond disheveled, "Oh, sorry! Did I wake you?"

"No.... yeah, maybe. But, it doesn't matter, what's up?" He responded, brushing stray hairs from his face and slicking his bed head back.

"Well- uh.." She turned to the door and slowly closed it, "Sorry, I just don't want my parents to hear the conversation i'm about to have with you."

Schlatt furrowed his brows, "Okay..?"

"I know that you and my sister aren't actually dating." Alison said confidently.

Schlatt went to immediately defend him and Julie but was cut off almost instantly by Alison.

"Look, don't argue. I was walking by your guys' room and may have possibly eavesdropped because- well that's not the point.
But, I heard you guys talking and ya know... y'all were talking about how you guys weren't dating and all that." She finished and gestured for him to talk.

"I can talk now?" He asked sarcastically. In response, Alison rolled her eyes and nodded.

"Look, kid. It's fine that you know, but you cannot tell your sister or literally anyone else that you know." Schlatt said, sort of firmly.

"Why can't I tell Julie?" Alison was puzzled, I mean why did it matter if she told Julie that she knew?

"Because, then she will get all like freaked out and stuff and think that y'all's parents are gonna find out, and I just don't want that type of stress on her." He said and leaned back against the headboard, crossing his arms.

"Awww, that's sweet, Schlatt." Alison said with a soft smile.

"If you know we aren't dating, why are you still acting like that at me and her?" He asked and chuckled a little,

"Well, that brings me to the next thing I wanted to talk about.." Alison started her sentence then thought about how she wanted to exactly word this, "Look, I know y'all aren't dating or whatever. But, I mean, you're so obviously in love with her."

Schlatt was absolutely shocked by the words that just came out of Alison's mouth, "I- Wh- Huh? No I'm not, dude."

"Your reaction to what I just said literally shows that you absolutely are." Alison laughed.

Schlatt didn't respond and just stared down at his lap for a moment to think.
Look, he knew he liked Julie, he has always liked Julie and will always like Julie.
And yes he loves her, but is he in love with her?

"Alright, Ali. I don't have a response to the 'Im in love with her' thing. But, I know that I definitely like her." He sighed and rubbed his face for a moment, "But, she's not interested in me like that, alright? So don't get your hopes up."

"Okay.. my sister has never said that she likes you, but, um. If I can tell who you're in love with, then I can definitely tell who she is in love with.
But, that's all I am gonna say about that." She smiled at him.

"Get outta here, Ali. " Schlatt said and threw a pillow at her.

"Wait wait- one more thing." She spoke,

"Go on."

"If you don't ask her out or kiss her or something sometime soon, i'm gonna tell my parents that you guys are faking the relationship." Alison said with a shit eating grin on her face.

"Oh my god, you're a dick." Schlatt said as he mocked the stupid smile that was on her face right now.

"Right! love ya too, alright byeee."Alison kept smiling as she left the room and closed the door.

A few minutes later, Julie returned.

"Morning again, Why's my pillow in the floor?" Julie asked.

"I don't know." He shrugged and laid back down.




#barely proofread this shit so suck it😛

also i hate this chapter but i needed something and also writers block, send help!!!

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