Chapter IV

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False Conclusions

The first week of school had now come and gone; most students have started on forming new friendships, while others focused more on their academics.

James wasn't doing either, more of, he didn't care enough to try doing either.

He never cared for school—due to the fact he knew all life ends and all that unwanted knowledge won't matter after he's gone—or socializing, because he might have to move again soon; and the fact that most of his friends had left him after learning what had started when he was nine wasn't helping his damaged ego.

James was currently fishing around his locker for anything eatable; the lunch period had started five minutes ago and he had only just realized he had forgotten to make his lunch that morning and that his caretaker wasn't there this morning to remind him to do so.

With a relieved sigh his hand emerged with a mysterious pop tart in hand, he only hopped it wasn't chocolate fudge as he pocketed the treat and turned to start his way to the bathrooms.

"Hey, James." A hand was placed on his shoulder halting his second step away.

He turned around slowly; just knowing he'd be spotting his red haired locker neighbour and her boy. He was almost correct.

"Wanna join us for lunch?" April asked taking her hand off of him when he faced her.

April had a plan; she knew Casey didn't like James for whatever reason—but the two didn't even know each other, so to get Casey to stop talking about the other teenage boy behind his back, like a creepy stalker, she was going to try and get the two to bond or at least properly meet.


And with that simple one word response her plan failed, not to mention she didn't have a back up plan.

"Why not?" She pushed before the boy could even start walking away from her.

"I don't know you." He surprisingly replied and stayed standing where he was.

April saw this as a sign to keep the conversation going.

"You can always get to know us, me and Casey, I mean." She stated. "It could be fun."

James took a second to look down and contemplate. "I think we have different definitions of fun." He said previously to looking back to the girl. "I have given you my answer, enjoy your lunch."

James walked away with his hands in his sweater pockets, leaving April in his dust.
"And then he just left, who does that?!" April ranted shoving the salad from her school lunch in her mouth making her sentence muffled.

"You did what?" Casey asked looking at his friend like she had gone mad.

"You heard me." She put her plastic fork down and slumped down in her seat still chewing her last big mouthful.

"Yeah, I did hear you and it was a stupid idea." The teen boy wanted to yell but didn't want the attention on them. "The guy just appeared with no explanation, he could be dangerous for all we know; remember Irma?"  He asked rhetorically. "He could be like her."

That last statement definitely got the girl thinking; James was definitely weird in a Kraang sort of way—not to mention; she only just realized the boy basically goes missing between the start and end of the lunch period.

Casey, seeing his friend actually considering his proposition, took a moment to think himself and came to a quick conclusion.

"We could get the guys involved." He suggested simply.

April looked at him like he was crazy for even considering it but took a moment before breathing in and out.

"Okay, but I'm only telling them about his suspicious behaviour; not that he might be an alien robot or anything like that." She says picking her fork back up to continue eating; feeling a little better then when she first sat down.

Noticing the drop in topic Casey started talking about anything and everything that didn't involve their lives at night; so basically hockey, movies, girls, etc.

When the bell rang the friends split ways right away leaving April to witness James running to his locker; opening it in a rush to pull out a single binder before rushing back down the way he came, all of that happening in a little more then a minute.

"He really is suspicious..." April muttered to herself making her way to her own locker to grab her needed items for the bound to be boring English lesson.

In the dungeon, James rushed into the drama classroom; it having carpeted floors unlike the tile lining the halls and most other classrooms, rows of clothes hung on metal rods off to the side of the room with lots of the clothes dropped or fallen to the ground.

"What's the rush? The second bell hasn't even rung yet." The teacher, Mr. S, informed the slightly out of breath boy standby the door.

Hearing that made James calm his breathing slowly out of relief. "Sorry, I had a short nap during lunch." He stated going over to the costumes to take a seat next to a row of random suitcases and bags that looked to be mostly used as props.

With an understanding nod Mr. S went into his "office" to wait for the rest of the students to show up; the office being a small room off to the side filled with even more props and clothes.

Taking one last deep breath, James opened his binder and flipped threw the fifty plus pages; him only having around five lines threw the future live performance, but having maybe twenty lines in total with him having to record most of his scenes as a narcissistic prince.

If he had a choice, he'd rather play the princess who only has to make little noises of agreement till the end; despite him not liking the feeling of dresses most times he didn't like the feeling of the tight, shiny pants he was forced to wear for his prince character even more.

James got lost in his script till the second bell rang; surprisingly in those fifteen minutes of reading he wasn't able to memorize anything he was supposed to say, he does know twenty lines of a depressed store manager by heart though.

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