Chapter XXII

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Spooky Season

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Donnie asked looking down into James' eyes; his fingers getting tangled in the humans bright red hair.

Said human was kneeling just front of Donatello who sat on the couch, his head hovering just over the turtles lap.

"Of course I'm sure, are you?"

"I suppose..."

Let's backtrack for a quick second before you go thinking dirty thoughts so early into the story.

"I'm leaving now, Sensei." Donnie poked his head into the dojo where his father was meditating. "I should be back before sunset but if I'm not I'll text Mikey with an update."

Splinter nodded, a smile present on his face. "Be good, my son."

Donnie nodded and booked it out of the sewers; his brothers already being in their rooms for the rest of the day so they'd be fully energized for the night to come.

When the turtle got to the surface he saw that the sun was only just peeking past the horizon leaving the sky to transition from dark blue to light in a gradient, he's hardly ever been up at this time to view the sight.

He was at the apartment in under five minutes with shortcuts; when he got inside the lights of the turtles tank were still turned off which left just the soft natural light from outside to brighten up the living room.

Donatello looked around and listened closely; he was debating whether James had been kidnapped or wether he was just asleep still, the lack of music was a clue hunting toward kidnapping but he made the wise decision to check the only bedroom before calling for backup.

The LED lights lit up the bedroom in a purple glow and illuminated James' figure facing towards the wall and hidden under his covers; still breathing and in a peaceful deep sleep.

A sigh of relief left Donnie's mouth, he walked the rest of the way over to the bed and knelt down to shake the human boy awake softly.

"Time to wake up, James." Donnie almost whispered.

James did shuffling slightly—which Donnie almost took as a win—but that was only to grab the turtles hand and pull in arm around him with a grumble as he cuddled his friends arm.

The mutant gulped and tried prying his arm out of the humans grip without unintentionally harming him. "Come on, we have a big day ahead of us."

"But I don't have school today, Charlotte said so." James mumbled now turning over to face his friend; eyes still closed but eyebrows furrowed with his friends hand still held tightly in his own.

"You are right about that but we have a special day planned anyway, don't you remember?"

Finally the human pried his eyes open with another grumble of annoyance; and when he saw Donnie was the one to wake him up he started smiling and let out a little gruff chuckle.

"Helloooo Nurse~" He chuckled more and buried his head into his pillow, his laughter now being muffled.

Donnie would've been confused if he weren't so concerned, the boy had his head in the pillow—limiting his air intake— for about thirty seconds after he stopped laughing.

𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚒𝚗'𝚝 𝚊 𝚍𝚛𝚘𝚙 𝚘𝚏 𝚋𝚊𝚍 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚍.Where stories live. Discover now