Chapter VIII

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Purple Chicken

He couldn't do it, he couldn't send James the first message; technically he was capable of doing it, he already found his phone number, it but he couldn't find the right thing to say.

It started out with just the simple idea of 'Hey, how are you?' Which turned to 'I've been stalking you for most of last month, can we be friends?' Pretty quickly.

He couldn't think of anything to say, he even started jotting down ideas in the almost filled notebook he now carried with him everywhere incase he thinks of something he could use as a first text.

He even went to Splinter, more like Splinter came to him to check how things were going, to maybe gain some more wisdom from his father—which didn't work, as expected.

So, now there Donnie sat, on the rooftop across from the human boy's windows; the home currently missing the boy which gave Donnie time to think about more ideas.

"It's no problem, May. I promise." Donnie heard come threw the headphones from his parabolic microphone, that was James' voice but when the turtle looked up from his writing he still didn't see the boy in his home.

Instead he saw the human boy in the apartment one story above his own, he had a silky, mustered yellow bandana keeping the hair out of his face and blue gloved hands and a box of garbage bags in hand.

Picking up the microphone, Donatello listened into the conversation held between an older lady and the teen boy.

"Are you sure this is okay?" The Asian lady asked a little awkwardly.

"Of course, I'll have this place spotless by the time you get home." James said with a light smile. "And you can always call me if you're worried about anything."

"Thank you, again." May looked like she was going to jump into James' arms from happiness.

Not only was he helping her get back out into the world but he was also going to clean her apartment while she was gone, it may be a little immature to let someone you only met a few other times clean your home but May trusted the teen wholeheartedly.

She remembered when he came up with a tray of brownies and saw the state of her apartment, she was embarrassed by the mess of take out rappers and dirty dishes piled up everywhere but the boy only saw a challenge and offered to clean for her; she would have done it for herself but her most recent hit of depression had been stopping her from doing it.

So with much reluctance she expected his offer; it's not like she had anything worth stealing anymore after her ex left her anyway.

May gave James one last big smile before leaving to go to her favourite club that she hasn't been to since the break up, she got herself all dolled up and everything.

When she was gone James got to work, playing some music to pump him up before getting started on filling the first trash bag then the second and third, he did the dished and even got on his knees to scrub the kitchen floors.

He cleaned out the fridge of anything expired or rotten looking then went to collect all the laundry to wash after he was finished and then, when all the proper cleaning was dealt with, he took off his gloves and got to sorting the dvd collection May had, to stripping her queen sized bed and remaking it with the spare sheets she had hidden away in her bathroom cupboard.

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