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Although Wen Ruan's room was also exquisite, it was by no means as luxurious as Wen Long's.

At the very least, there was no unmanageable carpet on the floor, and no ridiculously expensive decorations on the table cabinets.

In such a room, the broom in his hand was enough. At most, he would need a rag to wipe some things.

Yan Li narrowed his eyes, hiding the faint disappointment in his eyes.

This room had no value.

He quickly cleaned up, and wiped the floor table and various corners.

Wen Ruan blushed and thanked him.

But he ignored her, and went out after reluctantly answering.


In the afternoon, according to her character setting, Wen Long was going to drink tea in the small garden outside her villa.

The servants were unwilling to work for her, and wished to push everything regarding the girl with the princess' complex to the new boy.

Anyway, he just arrived. He was young and he didn't have to support his family. So he would be fine if his job was gone.

They soothed themselves.

Not that they were bad people, but were forced by life.

No one wanted to admit the evil in their hearts, and they liked to rationalize it for various reasons, so that they could still look like decent people.

"Yan... uh, Yan Li? You should send the tea and snacks of the eldest miss to the garden outside, and you will be responsible for taking them back when Miss Wen Long finishes eating it."


"Remember to wear gloves. Miss doesn't like dirty things," a male servant pointed to a small silver cart.

Yan Li looked over and saw that the top and middle layers of the cart were hollowed out, and there was a small drawer at the bottom.

On the upper level of the trolley was a three-tiered snack rack with delicate pastries. The bottom drawer was open, and a few pairs of white silk gloves could be vaguely seen inside.

He approached, leaned over and took a pair from the drawer and put it on.

The texture of silk was very good, and the fabric that was close to the skin had a little coolness. It was very comfortable.

"Hurry up, Miss will lose her temper if she is made to wait. You don't want to lose your job, do you?"

Yan Li ignored the man and pushed the car around to the back of the villa.

That morning, Aunt Zhang told him about the structure of the Wen House, and he had no trouble remembering the complicated building in his mind.

Finding the entrance to the garden with ease, he pushed the door open.

In early summer, most of the flowers in the garden were still in bloom, and the rich fragrance of various flowers and grass penetrated into his nostrils.

Yan Li thought of his room.

There was a garbage dump under the window, and the floor next to it was a red light district. There were always customers who finished their work and stumbled around the corner with the smell of wine.

He seldom opened the window because the smell was bad.

But the smell at home was not good either, it was either the smell of his father's wine or the powdery smell of the woman he brought back.

The working environment there was very good.

He thought so.

Then, his eyes fell on the white pavilion in the center of the garden, but he did not see the figure of the eldest lady.

Suddenly, his eyes stopped behind the pavilion.

From the back of the pavilion, there was a little black hair glowing with light, which was particularly bright under the sun.

Yan Li pushed the cart over and saw the girl squinting under the sun.

Wen Long's movements were almost exactly the same as in her room. Lying lazily on the chair, her shoes were kicked aside at will, and her two calves were swaying.

The sun fell on her, making the snow-like skin even whiter and more delicate.

Hearing the movement, she lifted her eyelids and glanced at him, frowning.

That look seemed to say, 'Why is this stupid person here again...'

Yan Li couldn't analyze her expression, but he knew that it was probably not a sign of happiness.

He didn't have any fear, but still calmly took out the boiled water from the cart and made a pot of tea.

He had never done such a thing, but the servant just then explained everything very clearly. Although his movements were not proficient, he brewed the tea also very similarly.

After giving it to her, Wen Long took a sip from the teacup and said unhappily, "It's strong."

"Don't you want me to sleep at night, stupid?!"

"I'll make it again," Yan Li lowered his eyes.

This time, Wen Long only touched the cup of tea with her lips, and her beautiful face was stained with anger.


[Is there a difference?] The system couldn't help but pop up and take a look.

How could it not see?

Wen Long: "I don't know, it's delicious anyway."


Yan Li made tea several times. Either too strong or too light, but she was never satisfied.

On the fourth time, Wen Long finally lost her patience, "Bring my shoes over."


"Take off your gloves! Will you touch my shoes with the dirty gloves?"

Yan Li silently took off the gloves and bent over to pick up her shoes.

Wen Long put on her shoes and stood up. Before leaving, she threw a cold sentence, "You can have them, stupid!"

Yan Li glanced at the pastries, and the hair on his forehead once again completely covered the look in his eyes.


The time when they got off-duty was seven o'clock, and the working hours were not short, but the pay of ten gold a day was definitely a thing that others were extremely envious of.

Yan Li worked there for a day and earned a month's meal.

Before leaving, he took an unused plastic box from the kitchen, which was left over from the servant's meal. He washed it and used it directly.

Then, he stuffed the three-tier pastry rack full of pastries into the box.

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