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In the blink of an eye, it was the day for Wen Long to take the entrance exam.

King Achill was surprised for a long time when she said that she would apply for the Mecha Academy.

He said in a deep voice: "The entrance examination for the Mecha Academy is not easy..."

The students of the Mecha Academy will be a solid force supporting the Achill Empire in the future, so the examination is extremely difficult.

Moreover, as a king, it is impossible for him to take the lead in stuffing his daughter into the most powerful academy in the empire.

The assessment of the college is strict, and the supervision is also what he requested to increase many years ago.

If he sent Wen Long in, wouldn't he slap himself in the face?

Thinking of this, he still made up his mind and said: "This matter, being a father really can't help you."

"Even if you change to any college, you can still study as a princess..."

Wen Long immediately understood that he would be wrong. understood.

"Don't worry, father, I will pass the exam myself."

King Achill was stunned for a moment, and then his expression was a little helpless.

His daughter, can he still not be clear? It must be another three minutes of enthusiasm...

"As you go."

Big deal, change her to another college at that time, and learn aristocratic etiquette, diplomacy and so on.


The day before taking the entrance exam, students need to temporarily stay near Imperial College.

Wen Long is naturally no exception.

She came out this time, and it may be a long time before she returns to the palace.

Wen Li must be brought with him, and the repair work will continue for the next few years.

But Le Rong was reluctant to part with her and insisted on following her.

Helpless, Wen Long took both of them with him.

Exam times at Imperial College are staggered.

There are only two or three faculties conducting entrance exams in a day.

The Mecha Academy that Wen Long applied for had the most complicated exam items, so the exam time was scheduled to the last.

They need to wait for the exam in the waiting area.

Le Rong said awkwardly: "Your Highness, I heard that Lord Huo is also from the Mecha Academy, and it is said that his S-level mental power is very powerful..."

Wen Long felt that she didn't finish her sentence, so she waited patiently halfway.


Le Rong continued with a worried expression: "Lord Huo scared you last time, and he was punished, which seems to be quite serious. This time you are enrolled, and he is also one of the invigilators, so he won't make things difficult for you, right?"

Wen Long smiled, "Although Lord Huo has a bad temper, his character is still trustworthy."

Le Rong puffed his face.

Anyway... If His Highness loses, it is definitely Lord Huo's deliberate revenge.

For a while, he actually thought of all the reasons for Wen Long not to pass the exam.

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