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The plate Wen Long and Wen Li went to was in the southeast corner.

    The army there already has an S-level psychic who served as Aqier's general, and this time he is also in charge of the army there.

    Wen Long has no similar experience, so he has no important position.

    But as Princess of Achill, her presence brought great comfort to the soldiers and citizens of the southeast corner.

    That means, Achill's royal family is with them.

    On the way to the southeast corner, Wen Long finally saw how many alien species lived in Achill... Alien species have much

    lower requirements for the living environment than humans, and they can live for a long time even without water and food.

    They can be seen in almost every corner Wen Long walks through.

    Moreover, in three months, most of these heterogeneous species have reached the adult stage, and their strong reproductive ability has doubled their number countless times.

    After Wen Long fought against them, she understood why it took so long to completely defeat these guys in the original plot.

    In the adult stage, not only are they much larger in shape, but the surface of their bodies is also covered with a thick layer of hard armor.

    Their IQ also increased accordingly, and they were much more difficult to deal with than the newborn alien species just born from the black spots.

    "Master, the problem over there is over."

    Wen Long also just finished dealing with the last alien species, "Okay."

    She stepped down from the mecha, and looked at the sky that was beginning to darken.

    "It will take another day to get to the army. Let's find a place to rest today."

    Wen Li followed her and went to the temporary resting place with her before he said, "I'm going to find food."

    "No need , The nutrient solution and food from the previous two days are enough for several days."

    Wen Li stopped, then walked to the corner and stood quietly.

    Wen Long couldn't help looking in his direction.

    Recently, except for her giving orders, Wen Li hardly spoke.

    This overly quiet atmosphere made her a little awkward.

    "Wen Li."

    Wen Li turned towards her.

    "Come here."

    He walked over.

    "Sit down first."

    Wen Li sat down.

    Wen Long coughed lightly, "...have you been in a bad mood recently?"

    [Poof. 】

    Wen Long: ...

    What are you laughing at! She also doesn't want to ask a bionic person such a question!

    Wen Li blinked his eyes very slowly, and seemed to find her question a bit strange.

    But he still tried to think about her question, and replied: "I don't know...the program can't recognize it."

    Wen Long's ear tips turned red for a moment.

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