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Unknowingly, Wen Long slept in the Fengshen Temple for more than two hours.

    When I woke up, the guards outside had changed once.

    It was naturally completely dark.

    She stood up and put the mat back in place.

    She is a little strange.

    The worship mat is made to prevent the knee from being injured when kneeling on the ground, so the mat is not thick and the texture is not too soft. But she sat on it for so long, but she didn't feel any discomfort.


    Wen Long was feeling puzzled, and when he glanced out of the corner of his eye, he found that the cushion leaning against the wall had disappeared at some point.

    She raised her head and looked at the statue in front of her.

    In fact, the breath on the cushion is very obvious, if it is not Yun Li, then there is only one option left.

    Although she didn't want to admit it, the answer was clearly in front of her eyes, and she couldn't ignore it.

    It can be seen from the day of Shen Yin that the gods of this world have favored her.

    God is certainly ruthless, but if he takes care of her because of the memory in the small world, it can barely be justified.

    But the main body of the god is still in deep sleep, and it should not have the memory of the small world.

    Wen Long frowned puzzled.

    That makes no sense.

    Since there is no memory, why does the consciousness left by God in this world treat her well for no reason?

    She stood there for a long time, but still didn't come up with an answer.

    Wen Long pursed her lips.

    She would have liked God to be as cold and ruthless as he was when he cut off her wings, so that she would not be soft-hearted in revenge.


    When Wen Long returned to the Holy Child Hall, it was already dark outside.

    Just as she was about to return to the dormitory to rest, the tip of her ear twitched, and she keenly heard the deliberately light footsteps outside the dormitory.

    This is not the first time she has heard such movement.

    But many times before, she was sleeping soundly in the dormitory, too sleepy to keep her eyes open, so she didn't bother to talk to her.

    But now, she just woke up from the Fengshen Temple, and she is in good spirits.

    Wen Long simply took advantage of just waking up and still had the energy to go outside the door to have a look.

    In order not to scare the snake away, she did not turn on the lights in the dormitory, and quietly leaned against the wall waiting for someone to come in.

    It was pitch black outside, but there was still a little bit of faint moonlight smudged in from outside the hall, vaguely reflecting the slender figure who was walking slowly on tiptoe.

    Recognizing who the figure was, Wen Long reached out and touched the light switch on the wall.


    The sleeping hall suddenly lit up, and the light in it passed through the wide open door, illuminating the entire outside of the hall clearly.

    The sneaky figure froze suddenly, and mechanically turned his head towards Wen Long.

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