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Because apart from studying, he was busy with starting a business for several years at school, so when he graduated from undergraduate, Yan Li already had a large-scale company in his hands.

After leaving school, he could no longer know how she was at school. So every once in a while, he would call her and ask her the same questions, nothing more than asking if Wen Long had any plans to fall in love recently.

Afterwards, Wen Long didn't pick up much.

Her mission has been completed, there is really no need to bother about the villain.

She did not directly work and start a business like Yan Li, but studied as a graduate student in this school. If there is no accident, she should also study for a Ph.D.

【...You really like studying. 】Even the system couldn't help but marvel at her persistence.

Wen Long pursed her lips and chuckled: The life of an abyssal demon is too long, and I always have to find something to pass the time. Reading is a good way.

[Is this the same for you in the original world? 】

Wen Long: Pretty much, I learned a lot of things in the human world, including musical instruments, sculptures, and vocal music. Human civilization is very interesting, much more interesting than the things created by the gods...

[That is still a little more powerful than the civilization of the gods. ] The system retorted.

Wen Long didn't answer any more.

She narrowed her eyes, hiding the sarcasm inside.


hypocritical and boring guy.

Two years later, when Wen Long had almost completely forgotten about Yan Li, he suddenly contacted her.

He brought many things to meet her, the real estate certificate of the villa, the documents of the company's shares, and the certificate of all deposits.

"You promised me before." He pushed these things to her one by one with no expression on his face.

Wen Long just glanced at it briefly.

"Oh... okay, I'll take you into consideration."

Yan Li looked at her intently, "Consider... Scope? What do you mean."


"You promised me before, if I can do it, you will..."

His voice faltered suddenly.

At that time, what Wen Long really said was "consider it".

He seemed to be frozen in place, and he didn't speak again for a long time.

While he was in a daze, Wen Long sized him up carefully.

Over the past few years, the villain's temperament seems to have become more stable, but it also looks more stuffy.

Yan Li should have rushed over from the company. The suit jacket on his upper body was draped over a chair, revealing the tie and shirt inside. His lower body was dressed in very flat black trousers. .

Only the pupils under the thin and long eyelashes can still see a bit of the gloomy aura of the former youth.

"That's it." Wen Long stood up, turned around and was about to leave.

But just after she took a few steps, she heard the hoarse pleading voice behind her: "I can earn more money, and I will do better than everyone else you fancy."

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