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    [Please prepare for the teleportation. ]

    [The world is teleporting...]

    When Wen Long opened her eyes again, she found herself lying in the darkness.

    The touch under his body was hard and cold, and it was a somewhat damp ground.

    She didn't act rashly, and listened carefully to the movement around her.

    She is not the only one here, there are other breathing sounds, but they are all weak, as if they are exhausted.

    She was relieved that there was no other threat here, and everyone was in the same situation.

    Then she frowned and reached out to stroke her chest.

    While she was being teleported, the fragment in Yu Li's body followed.

    As a result, there is now another fragment of God on her chest.

    However, in the last world, she clearly did not mention anything about the fragments to Yu Li.

    In order to maintain the character design, it is not good for her to mention the fragments, for fear that Yu Li will notice something.

    Wen Long shook his head.

    So, he followed him not long after his death...

    Seeing her dazed, the system asked aloud: [...are you thinking about the villain from the previous world? 】

    Wen Long didn't answer it.

    The system sighed, and couldn't help persuading: [Don't have other emotions about the mission target. 】

    Because... God will not respond in any way.

    Wen Long: I have a sense of proportion. Don't worry, Mr. System.

    Only then did she move her body.


    She took a light breath from the pain.

    In fact, she is very tolerant. When the back of the head was smashed by a beer bottle in the last world, Wen Long was able to keep her head clear.

    But the unexpected pain still made her frowned.

    Wen Long stretched out her hand and touched the place where the pain came from.

    On her neck, a small area touched by her fingertips was completely swollen. When the fingers touch it, there is no feeling there, only when the neck is turned and pulled, the pain can be felt.

    The swollen skin was obviously numb.

    Wen Long didn't need to look to know what kind of tragedy the neck was in right now. It's probably turned purple.

    She touched it again.

    The skin layer is swollen, and it seems that two small openings can be felt, kind of like...the scars left by teeth.

    A flash across Wen Long's face.

    In her world, there was such a species—vampires.

    However, in the long time and evolution, they can survive without human blood, and now most of them have fallen asleep and no longer easily appear in the human world.

    [This world is a world where humans and vampires coexist, I think you should know something about this species. 】

    Wen Long: When I was in the human world, I heard a little about their legends. The vampire family feeds on human blood and has a long lifespan, but most of them spend it in deep sleep.

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