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Wen Long's "cold" has lasted for almost a month.

    Because of this, the box of ultra-thin threads that hadn't been opened in time... lay quietly in the bedside cabinet for almost a month, and no one cared about it.

    It's a little strange that the cold hasn't recovered for so long, but the two of them tacitly didn't mention it.

    In the empty living room, the TV screen was on, but there was no sound.

    Yu Li didn't speak, poured himself a glass of water, then sat on the sofa and lost his mind.

    Wen Long has classes at school today, and has to prepare for graduation and other trivial matters, so she won't be back until noon.

    So, he just needs to pick her up after lunch.

    Yu Li got up and looked around.

    The things in the living room are almost the same as they were more than a month ago.

    Living with her seemed to be a little better than he had expected.

    She was very quiet and didn't touch his things.

    That's a good point.

    He just glanced at the bedside table, and the medicine box inside was still a neat square.

    very good.

    Moreover, she is quite self-conscious. When she was sleeping at night recently, she would go out of the bedroom by herself when she coughed, and she could drink hot water to solve it by herself without disturbing herself.

    very good.

    Moreover, she is good at cooking.

    He froze for a moment, then remembered her natural phrase "Because I love you".

    He didn't know how she knew what he liked, but the dishes she cooked were indeed to his taste.

    Yu Li stood where she was, and thought about it for a long time, but she couldn't find anything wrong with her.

    Except that she was always coughing, making the car and the house full of germs...

    But he had already prepared for this, so he didn't find it very difficult to accept for a while.

    He sat on the sofa and stared blankly for a while.

    If the next five years can be spent like this, it doesn't seem to be very difficult.

    He narrowed his eyes in satisfaction.

    Now it seems that the decision he made impulsively three months ago is still correct.

    Suddenly, his eyes fell somewhere, and he paused slightly.

    In the glass cabinet, among the neatly arranged white cups, there is an extra mug with a printed pattern.

    The cup was given as a gift when they went to the supermarket to buy something yesterday, because he didn't want to put that cheap cup that didn't fit in with the surroundings in his cabinet, so he temporarily put it in the corner and planned to throw it away sometime today.

    But now, it suddenly appeared in his cabinet...

    It is impossible for him to put this kind of thing in his home, so it is needless to say whose handwriting it is.

    He remembered that Wen Long seemed to like that cup quite a bit when he was in the supermarket yesterday, saying "it looks good" several times in succession.

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