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When Li Guifang heard the first half of the sentence, her heart suddenly came up.

Li Li? Does he dare to come!?

But when she heard the word "proaching", she swallowed back the words that she was about to swear.

Prompt relatives...

When Wang's matchmaker came to the door before, didn't this man say it was expensive? Why did you come here with something now?

He resisted his anger. At least I didn't scold.

Once refuted by him, Li Guifang didn't look good to Li Li.

Her tone was a little strange: "Oh... it's you."

Li Li, who was standing outside the door, inexplicably felt that something in his heart had fallen to the ground.

He thought he would regret what he had just said. But in fact, it didn't.

Li Guifang looked at him suspiciously.

Just a few days ago, as soon as the man refused his daughter, how could he suddenly change his mind after two or three days?

She was calculating, but she was reluctant to part with the fat sheep.

She used to know that this man had no father or mother, but she didn't know much about his temperament when he grew up.

But during this period, she and her neighbors in the countryside have also scolded Li Li many times, and she has heard more or less about him.

She heard from the women that Li Li was a real miser. It's almost a dime...

Li Guifang immediately speculated.

She figured it out!

I'm afraid Li Li fell in love with her daughter early in the morning? I'm afraid the reason why I refuse Wang's matchmaker is that I can't bear the introduction fee.

Everyone in the village who was pulled over by Wang's matchmaker knew that the mother-in-law wanted to introduce Fei fiercely.

It costs two or three yuan to meet a poor family. If you meet a rich man, you dare to ask for seven or eight yuan.

Li Li also specializes in carrying things, and at first glance, he can't buy it in the countryside.

I'm afraid it was that day that she refused Wang's matchmaker and made a special trip to the city to buy it, and then came to her with something to discuss the marriage proposal in private.

Well, this man is really a thief.

Li Guifang made up for a big play and sighed secretly in her heart.

It's not easy to deduct the bride price from such people.

"... Tell me about entering the room."

Wang Weiwei said before that this man is estimated to have 500 yuan in his hand.

If he can give up a little half as a bride price, it will be much better than the poor boys introduced by Wang's matchmaker.

After saying that, Li Guifang turned around and took Li Li into the room.

There are still two people in the room, gentle and gentle.

"Shiya, you go out first." After saying that, Li Guifang took another look at Wen Long.

"Forget it, you can follow out too."

Although she knew that the man must have come to see her eldest daughter, who knew whether Wen Long would like it or not.

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