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Yan Li, who was about to knock on the door of Wen Long's room, stopped and asked, "Is there anything you want me to do?"

He hoped it was not a difficult thing. If Wen Long was made to wait, she would definitely lose her temper again.

"You, did you cut your hair?"


"Wow, I didn't realize you look so good-looking before!" Wen Ruan looked at him in surprise.

The boy in front of her had a very pale complexion, as if he had never been exposed to the sun. The color of his lips had turned into a healthy red.

The tall nose and deep and delicate eyebrows, which were previously covered by hair, were almost perfect.

Especially those eyes, which used to be a little scary, but maybe because of the beautiful eyelashes, those dark black pupils had a mysterious and different kind of charm.

And, was it her illusion? She didn't think he was that skinny anymore...

Although if one looked closely, they could see that his body shape was still thin, but he was no longer that skinny and thin, barely within the normal range.

After being watched on for a long time, Yan Li pursed his lips slightly.

It was a little annoying. Why was everyone more annoying than usual that day? They always kept looking at him without saying a word and wasting time.

With a click, the bedroom door beside him suddenly opened.

Wen Long opened the door, and what she saw was a man with a mop outside the door.

She said unhappily, "Do you want to scare me to death by standing near the door?!"

Yan Li turned away silently. She didn't seem frightened to him.

"Sister, look at him..." Wen Ruan seemed to have finally found an ally, grabbed the corner of Wen Long's clothes excitedly, and kept her eyes on Yan Li's face.

"What?" Wen Long glanced at Yan Li's face.

"He cut his hair!"

Wen Long looked at her weirdly, and said strangely, "Have you never seen anyone cut their hair?"

"Ah? No, I'm asking you to look at his face..."

Wen Long was a little impatient, but still patiently looked at Yan Li's face again.

Then she turned back again, "What's wrong?"

Yan Li also looked at Wen Ruan. Something was wrong with her.

One tall and one short, the two cold faces looked at her inexplicably.

Wen Ruan: "..."

"...No, it's nothing."

The one-and-a-half-month summer vacation was coming to an end soon.

Yan Li's routine had hardly changed, and he came to school early again and started cleaning Wen Long's desk and chair.

Due to the vacation, there was a lot of dust on the table, so it took a little longer to clean.

Morning reading was at 8:00, he was stuck at 7:50 and went out to wash the soiled towel.

When he came back, the students in the classroom were almost all there.

He stepped into the classroom door holding the folded towel, and the chatter of the students who had just arrived on the first day of school became quieter.

"Who is that?"

"Heck, so handsome, which class is he from?"

"Did you come to the wrong classroom? Wow, so cute!"

Yan Li, who was stared at by so many eyes, frowned slightly.

This again! It always happened to him since he cut his hair.

It was very annoying.

When he thought of Wen Long, his knuckles holding the towel tightened slightly. He thought with dissatisfaction that it was her fault, she was the one who wanted him to cut his hair.

The discussion stopped abruptly when Yan Li sat down on his seat.


The girl's eyes widened in surprise.

Was he... Yan Li? That monster was so handsome?!

And Lin Tong, who was sitting in the front row of him, was even more uncomfortable watching the strange handsome guy sitting behind her.

She and Yan Li had been sitting at the front and back tables for so long, and she had never seen him with his hair pulled back.

She didn't expect him to be so handsome...

He was just a little thin.

Lin Tong couldn't help but look back again. At that moment, she had completely forgotten that just a month and a half ago, she called him a "monster" with disgust on her face, and made many requests to change seats with the class teacher.

"You..." She wanted to say something, but Wen Long just came over with her bag at that moment.

So she saw that the boy who was still cold took the bag in Wen Long's hand with diligence and put it in her place naturally.

Afterward, he helped her take out the book from her school bag and stuffed most of it into her desk drawer.

Lin Tong suddenly felt uncomfortable.

A monster would be a monster. After eating the leftovers that Wen Long gave him a few times, he just served her.

She turned around angrily, but she was thinking, if she gave Yan Li something to eat, would he treat her like that?

Her deskmate also noticed Yan Li's change, turned his head and asked, "Hey, Yan Li, did you gain weight?"

"Huh?" Yan Li's eyes moved up and down.

The boy in the front row knew it was useless to talk to him, so he simply asked Wen Long, "Wen Long, don't you think he gained weight?"

Hearing that, Wen Long tilted her head and glanced.

[128 pounds.] The system quickly estimated his weight.

Wen Long held her cheeks and said in her heart, 'Hmm... he gained 20 pounds.'

At the beginning, the data given by the system was less than 110 pounds. Yan Li was tall and had grown by two centimeters after two months of feeding.

At present, his height was 186. He used to be like a bamboo pole when he was 110 pounds. Even if he gained 20 pounds now, he was still a lot thinner.

Wen Long: "It is best for him to gain another 30 pounds."

[Well, that's about the same as the standard weight. He will have the perfect weight after one more year.]

"Yes, he did," she affirmed.

"Ha, I thought so!" The boy turned around in satisfaction and went to chat with the others.

[However, he gained 20 pounds in just over two months, which is also very impressive...]

Wen Long thought of something, and suddenly there was a slight smile on her face.

Yes, there was joy in raising a piglet...

Then feed it some more food and hope that it would be fat in the coming year, so that it could be slaughtered and sold for money.

Yan Li, who had no idea that he was being treated as a piglet, stared at the smile on her lips, puzzled.

He gained weight, but why was she smiling about it?

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