5K 141 12

June is the season of graduation.

    The graduation ceremony of the fourth grade will be in mid-June, and a formal one will be held in the school exhibition hall at noon. The school principal and teachers from all colleges will be there.

    In the evening, there was also a party similar to that of a party. There were no teachers present, and only graduates performed.

    Yu Li's show was the one at night.

    Wen Long came early and picked a seat in the second row.

    Although there are still vacancies in the first row, it is a pity that the seats with the best central vision have been taken up.

    The temperature in June is scorching, even at night is hot and dry.

    The temperature of the air conditioner in the exhibition hall was adjusted to a very low temperature. The cold air from the air conditioner in the ceiling above the first row blew down, and the fluff on the irritated skin stood up.

    Wen Long was only wearing a long skirt, and was a little annoyed: I would have brought an extra coat if I knew it.

    Twenty minutes later, the seats in the exhibition hall were filled one after another.

    Most of them are fourth-year graduates, but there are also some lower grades who came to watch the fun.

    When the system found something, it reminded: [The heroine is here too, look at the left corner of the first row. 】

    Wen Long raised her eyebrows slightly, and looked over according to the direction given by the system, and as expected, she saw Su Luo on the far left in the first row.

    When the performance started, the location was just in the dark, very inconspicuous.

    Su Luo is only a sophomore now, and Fu Hengyu is only a third year, so there should be no reason to come here to watch a meaningless graduation party.

    She then asked: Is the hero here too?

    [This is not true. ]

    That is to say, the purpose of Su Luo coming here is not to accompany the hero.

    The heroine is not the kind of person who likes to join in the fun, so it goes without saying who she came to the graduation ceremony of the fourth grade to see.

    Wen Long sighed with a headache.

    I thought everything would be fine once the hero and heroine were together.

    Seven o'clock in the evening, the party started on time.

    Wen Long watched the show for over an hour before waiting for the host to announce Yu Li's name.

    As soon as his name came out, there was a commotion in the audience.

    It was the first time for Wen Long to truly realize that the villains in this world are indeed very popular.

    She bent her lips and smiled softly, quietly looking at the people on the stage who were slowly walking towards the center of the stage.

    Yu Li was wearing a black suit, unbuttoned.

    The style of the suit and dress is very simple, slightly loose, but it shows off his figure very much.

    The neckline of the white shirt was exposed at the collarbone, the top button was unbuttoned, and there was no tie. It looked extremely relaxed on such an occasion.

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