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In three days, the number of guards originally searched in the castle decreased a lot. At least, Wenlong did not hear the footsteps upstairs today.

"You can leave later." Wu Li shrank in the corner, cold and authentic.

Kong Xiaoyun nodded consciously.

Wu Li glanced at Kong Xiaoyun.

What... What did she hurt Wu Chonglan with?

Blood clans have hard skin as copper and iron, and ordinary knives can't be hurt at all.

He looked at the chain on his ankle.

If such a weapon is still on this human being, the shackles that have trapped him for so many years may be broken.

"Thank you very much."

Wu Li said meaningfully, "You're welcome."

For the first time in these days, Kong Xiaoyun heard him speak so politely.

She raised her eyes in surprise.

At the moment when he looked at Wu Li, the look in Kong Xiaoyun's eyes suddenly became dull.

"You..." Before consciousness fell into chaos, she had no time to say this word.

Wen Long beside him saw the scene in front of him and was not surprised.

Kong Xiaoyun's expression suddenly changed with his eyes.

She stepped back in a panic and tightened with vigilance.

However, she was not looking at Wu Li's position, but staring at the void.

Wen Long knew that she was illusioned by the villain.

The next moment, Kong Xiaoyun suddenly turned over, as if he was avoiding someone's attack.

She pulled out a handle made of unknown materials at her waist and pressed it quickly.

A blue light appeared in the upper half of the handle, forming a blade.

This is actually a dagger.

At this moment, Wu Li moved.

At the moment Kong Xiaoyun stabbed the dagger, the blade made of laser tortured the feet on Wu Li's feet in half.

The broken foot was handcuffed to the ground, making a soft sound of "dang" throughout the room.

He sighed warmly and sincerely.

...Technology changes life.

The skin on Wu Li's ankle was cut apart with the foot torture, and blood came out of stains.

But he didn't seem to feel the pain, and the curvature of his lips looked a little crazy.


He really came out!

[The villain was released. If he really replaces Wu Chonglan as the new king, it will be a little troublesome.]

Wen Long looked at Wu Li silently.

She can't predict the future development.

All she can do is sow the seeds that can change the plot.

As for why that kind of growth... this is unknown.

A few minutes later, Wu Li finally calmed down from excitement to almost crazy.

He stared at the laser dagger in Kong Xiaoyun's hand for a while, and then slowly turned his head to look at Wen Long.

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