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When a blood clan made up for something strange affectionately, Wen Long was still looking at the heroine.

She asked, "Do you need any help?"

Kong Xiaoyun was stunned and didn't understand what "help" meant by her.

However, two seconds later, the door behind her was knocked.

"His Royal Highness Wu Li."

"...We are searching for an absconding man. According to the order issued by the new king, every room in the castle needs to be searched."

Are they coming in?

Kong Xiaoyun's palms are sweating from tension.

Several blood clans at the door are not very strong, and it is not difficult to solve them.

However, once she shocked the other blood clans in the castle, she had no way to live.

"The bathroom."

"...huh?" Kong Xiaoyun looked at the woman who was silent.

Wen Long turned his head and glanced at the bathroom on his left. The meaning is obvious.

"Go to the bathroom."

Kong Xiaoyun bit his lower lip, "Thank you very much."

She quickly walked past the front side of the room and hid in the bathroom referred to by Wenlong.

Wu Li glanced at Wenlong and said, "I don't like trouble."

"Just do me a favor. She will be able to get out of here soon..."

Seeing the guards about to push the door in, Wen Long answered, "Can you stop talking out?"

Her tone is soft, with a little request.

Wu Li moved his lips, as if he were reluctant.

Wenlong has figured out his temper from the past half a month.

She thought for a moment and added another sentence.




Just as Wu Li responded, his door was finally opened.

The blood clan who came in bowed their heads, and the leading intermediate blood clan saluted Wu Li, "Your Highness Wu Li."

He was surprised. Didn't he say that His Royal Highness II was locked in the room for a miserable life? It didn't look like it.

"There is a female human who absconded. Did she come to you?"


"... I'm afraid we still need a routine search. I hope you can understand."

Wu Li said impatiently, "Come on."


After all, Wu Li is a second-generation blood clan. They instinctively fear him, so they act quickly.

Behind the piano, under the bookshelf, and in the warm wardrobe, they were searched one by one...

Wu Li saw a low-level blood clan searching the wardrobe, which seemed to be attracted by the clothes stained with a warm smell inside. The search was extremely slow, but the nose wings expanded obsessessesively, smelling the sweet smell inside.

He felt a kind of enthusiasm in his body surged, and there was only irritable anger in his brain.


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