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A turn of time is half a month.

    Wen Long didn't go to the Fengshen Temple to pray for half a month, and her life was very leisurely.

    She has had enough sleep and has the energy to pay attention to the things around her.

    She found that Su Dai, who usually sneaked out at night, seemed to be more peaceful recently, and her whole body was visibly wilted, as low as a frost-beaten eggplant.

    "Didn't the prophecy tell you to do anything recently?"

    Su Dai shook her head, her brows and eyes drooping.

    "No, there has been no guidance for almost half a month."

    Half a month...

    Wen Long was thoughtful.

    That was right after Yun Li came to remind them that there were demons infiltrating the temple?

    "Half a month ago, did you do anything?"

    "On the day when the last prophecy appeared, did you do anything?"

    "I... just followed the prophecy's guidance and went to the holy water pool at night."

    "Before Aren't they all in the garden? Why did they change places suddenly?"

    "This... I don't know either." Su Dai frowned her slender eyebrows.

    "Maybe it's because of the demons that Mr. Yun Li mentioned? Didn't he say that there were demons appearing near the garden of Fengshen Temple... That's why the prophecy was changed."

    Wen Long understood.

    It is estimated that the defense around the garden has become stricter, so Wu Sai, who is dating Su Dai, can no longer go there.

    "And then? What did you do after you left?"

    Su Dai muttered a few times, and suddenly blushed.

    "Can you...can you not tell others?"

    "Of course."

    "Actually, every time I go out according to the guidance of the prophecy, I will, I will meet a gentleman."

    "His name is Wu Sai, and he is the deacon of the temple. I accidentally bumped into him one time before, and not only did he not Angry, but instead she showed me a very beautiful smile."

    Wen Long had a kind expression on her face.

    "After that, I followed the first guide in the prophecy and went to the place in the guide." Su Dai's eyes were bright, as if she was caught in some good memory.

    "It's unbelievable, I saw that Mr. Wu Sai with a beautiful smile there!"

    "It seems to be destined, I will be able to see him at the prophesied place for every subsequent prophecy."

    "He is so Gentle, gentleman, and with such a charming smile. He is the most perfect man I have ever seen!"

    "...Although many people say that Teacher Yun Li is the most perfect human being." She hesitated: "But I still think Mr. Wu Sai is the most perfect."

    Wen Long expressed her understanding.

    "More than half a month ago, Mr. Wu Sai told me that he... likes me. I promised him."

    She carefully glanced at Wen Long, but found that she still had that faint smile on her face.

    "Aren't you surprised? As a saint, I did such a frivolous thing."

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